Volume 4

policemil4The Police and the Military: Future Challenges and Opportunities in Public Safety:

Volume 4 of the Proceedings of the Futures Working Group

Edited by Mary O’Dea and John Jarvis



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Edited By Mary O’Dea and John Jarvis

A Word from the Chairman

John Jarvis

The Future Is Built upon the Recurring Lessons of History

Michael Buerger

Police Functions During Expeditionary Military Operations

Kurt E. Muller

The Militarism of the Poice Reconsidered

Gene Stephens

Convergence: The Changing Missions of Police and the Military

Robert J. Bunker

Head Starts: What Policing Can Learn About Leadership from the Military

John Jackson

Info Ops: The Importance of Electronic Warfare

Scott Curtin

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

Greg S. Weaver

ASeams: Challenges in Interagency and Multilateral Collaboration

Kurt E. Muller

Emergency Communications: Mashups or Mishaps

Sid Heal

Police and the Military: Lessons LEarned and After Action Reports

Wayne Rich and Mary O’Dea

Increasing Situational Awareness: Lessons Learned and Technology

Bill Maki

Public Perception

Nicholas E. Libby

Military and Policing Recruiting and Retention: Common Threads

Marshall Jones and Lin Huff-Corzine

Troops to Cops: Changing Uniforms, Changing Missions?

Joseph Schafer and Bernard Levin

Paths Forward: Similarities, Differences and Evolution

Joseph Schafer and Bernard Levin