September 4, 2007

 Officer Meeting


Location: Partnership II, Third Floor Commons Area
Present: Katie Del Giudice, Jessica Ray, Tim Smoker, Sidra Van De Car, and Justin Morgan


Old Business:


Membership Issues

  • We will propose at the first meeting to switch from Yahoo! Groups to Google Groups.
  • The meeting minutes will be posted online.
  • Agreement on happy hour alternating with coffee so that we have two events every month.
  • Coffee will be done in the psych building student lounge around 3 pm (between 2 and 4 pm). The first will be held the Thursday after the first chapter meeting.



  • Officers agree that $10 should be allotted for coffee each session with the suggestion that people bring their own coffee (perhaps encouraging people to bring exotic coffees to share, and taking turns going so).
  • There is no ledger for the budget. Tim will start an EXCEL file beginning with this year’s balance. We are leaving $20 out as petty cash. Tim will be the only one to withdraw money & all receipts will be given to Tim to log the transaction.
  • The chapter has decided not to offer a $500 scholarship to an incoming graduate student this term because last year’s fundraisers did not make enough money to cover it.



  • Mike Curtis accepted position of social chair.
  • Nobody was able to suggest anyone to nominate for NEM chair. Jessica will start recruiting.



  • Valet carwash was deemed to have too much liability.

New Business:



  • At the first meeting, we need to form a subcommittee to oversee/generate fundraising activities (perhaps starting a café press store–Justin will look into developing this).
  • The chapter needs a logo. We will seek permission to use the logos of UCF (Jessica will tackle this) & HFES (Katie will tackle this).


Membership Issues

  • Sept 18th at 5 p.m. will be the first chapter meeting. Katie will reserve a room in the psych building.
  • Informal “drinks” following each chapter meeting to be held at UNO’s.
  • Suggestions for the location of happy hour include the library, the cellar, and changing locations each time. Happy hour will be scheduled for the last Thursday of the month.
  • The “brown bag” speaker series could be incorporated into the chapter meetings (primarily a theoretical presentation of 10 minutes with 5 additional minutes for questions). Justin suggested asking James Merlot to speak first and perhaps Aaron Pepe and Shawn Stafford (on the airport gun rotation study) as upcoming speakers (which would take us through January).
  • Katie needs to contact Mike regarding the HFES book drive.
  • Justin wants to apply for funding from SGA as a group for attendance at the Human Factors Conference.
  • The Halloween party should be held; Mike will be in charge of directing this.



  • Gaming booth on campus for NEM will need volunteers to man the booth on the day it is presented. We will have a sign-up list at the first meeting. Needs to be done on a Thursday. Jessica will look into getting a room in the student union.

Review/To-Do Lists:



  • Obtain permission to use HFES logo.
  • Reserve a room in the Psych building to use for the first chapter meeting.
  • Contact Mike regarding the HFES book drive.



  • Find someone to co-chair NEM with Justin.
  • Obtain permission to use UCF logo.
  • Obtain room in student union for NEM gaming booth.



  • Ask identified individuals to speak at chapter meetings.