Contact: Hollesha Foster
Phone: (407) 823-6653

Updated: October 4, 2014

Faculty Change Out-Of-Cycle Raise memo
Faculty Change Administrative Title Change memorandum

The university classifies a raise as either “in-cycle” or “out-of-cycle.”

An in-cycle raise includes any raises implemented at the state- or university-level. Typically, the funding will be provided to cover the cost associated with an in-cycle raise if the employee meets the criteria established by said agency AND was hired on an E&G funded line (position numbers starting with a “3”).

An out-of-cycle raise includes any raises implemented at the college- or department-level. No additional funding is provided. The hiring unit must use their own resources to cover the salary and fringe cost associated with the request. Additionally, the resource used to pay for the increase MUST be the same as the liability funding source. (For example, if the employee is currently on an E&G line, then E&G funds must be made available by the hiring unit on a recurring basis).

  • For In-Unit Faculty, Out-of-Unit Faculty and Administrative & Professional (A&P) employees, an out-of-cycle is referred to as an Administrative Discretionary Increase (ADI). Reasons Include: Merit, Market, Counter Offers.
  • For USPS employees, an out-of-cycle is referred to as a Special Pay Increase (SPI). Reasons Include: Market, Equity, or Increased Duties (same job title).

Out-of Cycle Raise for In-Unit Faculty and Research Positions

1)   Send a “position change request” form, which was developed by the College of Sciences. This form is located in the COSHR Resource Workbook in the shared folders.
2)   The College will prepare the ePAF to officially request the raise but will provide the HR Liaison with the information (i.e. ePAF number) to check on the status of the request. If the request is not approved, the HR Liaisons will be notified at this time as well.
3)   Once HR Compensation has approved for USPS/A&P requests OR Academic Affairs has approved for Faculty it is official.


COS Procedure for USPS Reclassification and SPIs

1)   Send a “position change request” form, which was developed by the College of Sciences. This form is located in the COSHR Resource Workbook in the shared folders.

NOTE:  Justification should include source of (recurring) funding.

2)   The College will prepare the ePAF to officially request the raise but will provide the HR Liaison with the information (i.e. ePAF number) to check the status of the request. If the request is not approved, the HR Liaisons will be notified at this time as well.


 NOTE: For a reclassification the standard new salary is 15% above the employee’s current salary or the base salary of the new class, whichever is greater. Higher requests need strong justification. A request of 16% or above requires the provost’s approval.