eCRT (Effort Certification & Reporting Technology)
Contact: Madeline Byrne
Phone: (407) 823-0098
Updated: July 24, 2015
Download: Frequently Asked Questions
· System Overview
· Deadlines
· System Access
· System Questions
System Overview
eCRT is a web-based technology that guides certifiers and administrators through the various aspects of the effort reporting and certification process. All employees that work on a sponsored project (compensated or not compensated) must have their time certified. For additional information on procedures of certifying effort, please see Office of Research & Commercialization’s Management Procedures published on their website.
Within approximately thirty calendar days of the end of each semester, the Office of Research and Commercialization (ORC) will open ECRT for certification. Self-Certifies will have a 30 day window to complete their certification. ORC publishes a new ECRT Certification Calendar each semester for the current certification period. For the most recent deadlines, please visit ORC’s Effort Reporting webpage and follow the link to the Effort Certification Period. For a list of eCRT Effort Periods, click here.
System Access
The ECRT System is an online portal accessed at this landing page, From there, the user should click the ECRT link which will direct them to the MyUCFportal. Then the user should log in with their MyUCF credentials and will be taken to their eCRT Portal.
System Questions
System related questions can be directed to ORC. Main points of contact are Daniel Sierra and Jyra Barnes.