Cell Phone Allowances and Fees
Contact: Ashley Hilyer
Email: Ashley.Hilyer@ucf.edu
Phone: (407) 823-4578
Updated: April 10, 2014
Cell Phone Allowances
The cell phone allowance is a salary supplement to an employee to cover the cost(s) associated with a monthly cell phone service. The employee has to provide a copy of their last two detailed statements and usage analysis (business vs. personal). We recommend highlighting the personal calls.
Please see the ‘College Policies’ section of this website about the new university policy regarding cellular telephone users effective January 1, 2008.
The cell phone allowance forms are completed annually (calendar year).
Processing Steps:
1) The HR form and supporting documents should be sent to COS HR via intercampus mail or electronically to cosadmin@ucf.edu
2) The document will be reviewed by Ashley Hilyer and signed by Seresa Cruz.
3) COS HR will obtain Provost and Executive President approval (if needed)
4) COS HR will forward the packet to HR Payroll for processing.
Cell Phone Fees
There is no fee to have an Android or iPhone synced to the university exchange (email or calendar) account. There is a fee for BlackBerry Enterprise Services.
To request this service and/or view the latest fee schedule, visit the Computer Services & Telecommunications website for the latest guides at https://publishing.ucf.edu/sites/itr/cst/Pages/SmartphoneServices.aspx