Michelle Gaynor

Shelly started working in Hoffman Lab during her freshmen year of undergrad. Prior to joining Hoffman Lab, Shelly conducted an independent study on the rooting attributes of Zoysiagrass cultivars with Dr. Kevin Kenworthy at the University of Florida. Her project with Dr. Hoffman and Dr. Walters aimed to evaluate the impact of current restoration efforts on genetic diversity of smooth cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora, used for shoreline stabilization, within the Indian River Lagoon (IRL), Florida.

During Summer 2016, Shelly participated in an NSF-REU at the University of Colorado Boulder (Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology) in Dr. Stacey D. Smith’s Lab under the guidance of Drs. Julienne Ng and Robert Laport.

Then in Summer 2017, Shelly is participated in two internships. First, an iDigBio NSF-funded internship at the Florida Museum of Natural History with Drs Pam and Doug Soltis. Second, an NSF-REU at the University of Missouri with Dr. Chris Pires (+Poster Presentation)

Shelly will start a Ph.D. program at the University of Florida in Botany  with Drs Pam and Doug Soltis starting Fall 2018.

To find out a little more about Shelly’s time at UCF in Hoffman Lab check out:

UCF COS Article on Shelly 2016

UCF COS Article on Shelly 2017 I

UCF COS Article 2017 II

UCF COS Article 2017 III

