Research Area(s)
Current research interests in ecosystem ecology; urban ecology; ecology and valuation of urban green space; wetland ecosystem services
I have a diverse research background that started with training in soil and ecosystem ecology, and that now centers on various aspects of urban ecology and conservation. Earlier in my career, I spent many years researching the effects of earthworms on nutrient cycling in a variety of ecosystems. My post-doctoral research was focused on soil processes and plant-soil feedback in northern hardwood forests. From 1998-2010, I was director of the Agroecology program at Archbold Biological Station. There my research expanded to include wetland ecology, water quality, and agro-ecosystem sustainability. Since coming to UCF in 2010, my focus has turned to Urban Ecology, which is an area I had done some work in during my postdoc at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies.
Urban ecology is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on urban ecosystems, urbanizing landscapes, and the impacts of urban areas on ecological patterns and processes at local, regional and global scales. Researchers in this field try to understand complex interactions between human and natural systems in urban environments and apply that understanding to improving conservation of urban biodiversity, and to developing nature-based solutions for building more resilient and sustainable urban systems. My current research focusses on various aspects of pollinator ecology in urban environments, including the role of native plants in supporting pollinator services in residential and other urban landscapes. I am also interested in how local and landscape factors affect urban invertebrate communities, and how this knowledge can enhance invertebrate conservation in urban systems.
- McDonnell, M. J., S. T. A. Pickett, R. V. Pouyat, R. W. Parmelee, M. Carreiro, P. Groffman, P. Bohlen, W. C. Zipperer and K. Medley. 1997. Ecosystem processes along urban-to-rural gradients. Urban Ecosystems 1: 21-36.
- Groffman, P. M. and P. J. Bohlen. 1999. Soil and sediment biodiversity: Cross-system comparisons and large-scale effects. Bioscience 49: 139-148.
- Bohlen, P. J., R. W. Parmelee, M. F. Allen and Q. M. Ketterings. 1999. Differential effects of earthworms on nitrogen cycling from various nitrogen-15-labeled substrates. Soil Science Society of America Journal 63: 882-890.
- Bohlen, P. J., P. M. Groffman, C. T. Driscoll, T. J. Fahey and T. G. Siccama. 2001. Plant-soil-microbial interactions in a northern hardwood forest. Ecology 82: 965-978.
- Steinman, A. D., J. Conklin, P. J. Bohlen, and D. G. Uzarski. 2003. Influence of cattle grazing and pasture land use on macroinvertebrate communities in freshwater wetlands. Wetlands 23: 877-889.
- Bohlen, P. J., P. M. Groffman, T. J. Fahey, M. C. Fisk, E. Suárez, D. M. Pelletier and R. T. Fahey. 2004. Ecosystem consequences of exotic earthworm invasion of north temperate forests. Ecosystems 7: 1-12.
- Domínguez, J., P. J. Bohlen and R. W. Parmelee. 2004. Earthworms increase nitrogen leaching to greater soil depths in row crop agroecosystems. Ecosystems 7: 672-685.
- Bohlen, P. J., S. Scheu, C. M. Hale, M. A. McLean, S. Migge, P. M. Groffman and D. Parkinson. 2004. Non-native invasive earthworms as agents of change in north temperate forests. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2: 427-435.
- Gathumbi, S. M, P. J. Bohlen and D. A. Graetz. 2005. Nutrient enrichment of wetland plants and sediments in subtropical pastures. Soil Science Society of America Journal 69: 539-548.
- Bohlen, P. J. 2006. Biological invasions: linking the aboveground and belowground consequences. Applied Soil Ecology 32: 1-5.
- Bohlen, P. J. and S. M. Gathumbi. 2007. Nitrogen cycling in seasonal wetlands in subtropical cattle pastures. Soil Science Society of America Journal 71: 1058-1065.
- Swain, H. M., P. J. Bohlen, K. L. Campbell, L. O. Lollis and A. D. Steinman. 2007. Integrated ecological and economic analysis of ranch management systems; an example from south central Florida. Rangeland Ecology and Management 60: 1-11.
- Tweel, A. W. and P. J. Bohlen. 2008. Influence of soft rush (Juncus effusus) on phosphorus flux in grazed seasonal wetlands. Ecological Engineering 33: 242-251.
- Bohlen, P. J., S. Lynch, L. Shabman, M. Clark, S. Shukla and H. Swain. 2009. Paying for ecosystem services on agricultural lands: an example from the Northern Everglades. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment7: 46-55.
- Boughton, E., P. Quintana-Ascencio, D. Nickerson, P. J. Bohlen. 2011. Management intensity affects the relationship between non-native and native species in subtropical wetlands. Applied Vegetation Science 14: 210-220.
- Boughton, E. H., P. F. Quintana-Ascencio, P. J. Bohlen. 2011. Refuge effects of Juncus effusus in grazed, subtropical wetland plant communities. Plant Ecology 212: 451-460.
- Bohlen, P. J. and R. Villapando. 2011. Differential effects of water retention on nutrient runoff from subtropical pastures. Journal of Environmental Quality 40: 989-998.
- Edwards, C. A. and P. J. Bohlen. 1996. Biology and ecology of earthworms. Chapman and Hall, London, U.K., 426 pp.
- Bohlen, P. J. and G. J. House (eds.). 2009. Sustainable agroecosystem management: integrating, ecology, economics and society. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, Advances in Agroecology Series, Boca Raton, FL, 301 pp.
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Institute of Biological Sciences
American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of America
Ecological Society of America
Society of Wetland Scientists
Society for Ecological Restoration International