Complete the COS Travel Pre-Approval Request (TAR) form.

This is your best estimate of your travel expenses and does not need to be exact. It is better to estimate high if funding permits. If you are unsure of how to complete the form, make an appointment with your TPC and they will assist you. Include on the TAR if you are sharing any expenses with another traveler. Example: sharing a hotel room.

Email the TAR and any supporting documentation to or create a Spend Authorization yourself in Workday.

Please also include:

  • Conference or Meeting information- screen print including location and dates is fine.
    • Trip itinerary if travel is for activities outside an organized conference or meeting.

Your TPC will create a Spend Authorization (SA) for your trip in Workday.

Once the SA is approved you may make your travel arrangements or work with your TPC, department staff member, or supervisor who will use their UCF Expense Card to make arrangements for you. Check Workday notifications or wait for an email from the TPC for notification that the SA is approved before making purchases.

It is recommended that we pay for most items with a UCF Expense Card to avoid out-of-pocket expenses. We can typically pay for Registration, Airfare, Hotel, Car Rental, Presentation Materials, and Visas. Items like Meals and Parking will be reimbursed.

Travel expenses charged to a personal credit card cannot be reimbursed until the conclusion of the travel.

Note: If your supervisor, a staff member, or TPC pays any travel expenses for you on a UCF Expense Card they must be reconciled within 20 days, even if you have not yet traveled. The cardholder will need to reassign the Expense Card charge to you in Workday. Please assist them with this by providing them with any receipts you receive and requesting that they reassign the charge to you.

During Travel

Ask for and retain receipts for:

  • Hotel (folio)
  • Baggage Fees
  • Rental Cars
  • Rental Car gas and tolls
  • Taxi/Ride Share (tips capped at 20%)
  • Parking
  • Local Tolls (may be printed from your toll account)

Digital receipts are encouraged. Scan all paper receipts. Saving one receipt per page will speed up processing.

No receipts are needed for:

  • Meals: please submit flight times or travel itinerary so meals can be calculated
  • Mileage: please provide a map with the mileage listed

After Travel

Email all receipts to or Create an Expense Report linked to your Spend Authorization.

Please indicate in your email what was paid on a UCF Expense Card and what needs to be reimbursed. The TPC will review your SA to ensure your expenses were approved.

Note: If your supervisor, a staff member, or TPC paid any travel expenses for you they will need to reassign the Expense Card charge to you in Workday. Please assist them with this by providing them with any receipts you receive and requesting that they reassign the charge to you.

Reimbursements are paid once your Expense Report (EXP) is fully approved.

Note: Per the University’s Accountable Plan all reimbursements should be completed within 60 days or the charge or end of travel, whichever is later.