Current Graduate Students

Salina Som (5th Year)
B.S. @ University of Florida

Shaila Akter Shetu (2nd year)
M.S. @ University of Texas

Jihyeon Nam (2nd year)
B.S. @ Seokyeong University

Meaghan Flannagan (2nd year)
B.S. @ University of Utah
Current Post-doctoral Fellow

Jooyeon Lee.
Ph.D. @ Chungbuk National University
(Oct. 2023 – present)
Current Undergraduate Students

Noah Swann
B.S. @ University of Central Florida
(Joined in 2022)
Former Members
Postdoctoral Fellows:
Nagabhushana C.Beeralingappa. (Jan.–Aug. 2023); Currently Post-doc at Purdue University
Undergraduate Students:
Kiki Tang (2022–2023); Currently at Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Future Members
# Positions for graduate students are available. Prospective students should contact me by email, or consult chemistry Ph.D. program website.
# Currently there are no fully funded post-doctoral positions available.