Mixed-Reality Teaching Simulator to Prepare Graduate Teaching Assistants
National shifts in research-based STEM instruction has led to more departments incorporating active learning into introductory courses and laboratories thereby increasing the frequency with which graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) are expected to implement student-centered instruction. GTA training often addresses chemistry content and lab technique but less often includes training on effective instructional methods. Rarely still do GTAs have a chance to practice implementing effective teaching skills before trying them on undergraduate students in their classes.
Our research involves utilizing a mixed-reality teaching simulator to create an immersive environment in which GTAs can practice target skills necessary to facilitate student-centered instruction.
This technology is the heart of numerous research questions related to:
- The optimization of graduate teaching assistant training to better implement evidence based teaching,
- Changes in instructor discourse in active learning environments,
- Strategies to promote equity in student centered classrooms led by GTAs
- A mechanism to build GTA psychological resilience and reduce teaching anxiety

Request a Training Consultation:
Dr. Erin Saitta has over a decade of experience working with faculty, GTAs, and Learning Assistants (LAs) prepare for and implement simulator training for higher ed STEM classrooms. Please email her at erin.saitta@ucf.edu if you are interested in a consultation or workshop for your department or team.
Related Publications
- Doty, C. M., Geraets, A. A., Wan, T., Nix, C. A., Saitta, E. K., Chini, J. J. Impact of high-intensity training with a mixed-reality simulator on graduate teaching assistants use of questioning. Physical Review Physics Education Research (2023) 19(2), 020101. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.19.020101
- Wan, T., Doty, C. M., Geraets, A. A., Saitta, E. K., Chini, J. J. Responding to incorrect ideas: science graduate teaching assistants’ operationalization of error framing and undergraduate students’ perception. International Journal of STEM Education (2023) 10(1), 1-17. DOI: 10.1186/s40594-023-00398-8
- Sona, A.J., Kwaschyn, M., Nottolini, I., Saitta, E. K. H. Creation of a mixed-reality simulator professional development module to attend to the unique needs of international teaching assistants in active learning classrooms. International Journal of Higher Education (2022) 11(6), 140-153. DOI: 10.5430/ijhe.v11n6p140
- Geraets, A., Nottolini, I., Doty, C., Wan, T., Chini, J., Saitta, E. Preparing GTAs for Active Learning in the General Chemistry Lab: Development of an Evidence-Based Rehearsal Module for a Mixed-Reality Teaching Simulator. Journal of Science Education and Technology (2021) 30, 829-840. DOI: 10.1007/s10956-021-09923-2
- Wan, T., Doty, C. M., Geraets, A. A., Nix, C. A., Saitta, E. K. H., Chini, J. J. Evaluating the impact of a classroom simulator training on graduating teaching assistants’ instructional practices and undergraduate student learning. Physical Review Physics Education Research (2021) 17(1), 010146. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.17.010146
- Wan, T.; Geraets, A. A., M. Doty, C. M., Saitta, E. K. H., Chini, J. Characterizing science graduate teaching assistants’ instructional practices in reformed laboratories and tutorials. International Journal of STEM Education (2020), 1-21. DOI: 10.1186/s40594-020-00229-0