June 24, 2024

Are you ready to Graduate?

Before the semester you intend to graduate:

  • Run a Degree Audit to see if you’ve satisfied all requirements for your degree.
    • Information on how to locate, read, and understand your degree audit: Degree Audit.
    • If you have a minor, certificate, or double major, the degree audit has a drop-down to view each program separatelyCheck each one. 
    • All your degree requirements should say “Satisfied” (or “Satisfied with future courses”). If they do not, please make an appointment with an advisor.
    • Double majors, minors, etc – Make sure all your correct programs appear in your Degree Audit. If there are any errors, contact COSAS@ucf.edu to add/drop any degree programs.

  • Visit your major department advising to ensure you’re on track to graduate next semester.  Request that they review your degree audit, advise you on final classes, and inform you of any exit requirements/exams.
    • Do the same for each minor or certificate, if applicable.
  • Enroll in the required courses to complete your degree for the upcoming semester.
  • File your Intent to Graduate (ITG) once you are certain you’ve registered for all necessary courses.