Student Funding and Financial Assistance
The University of Central Florida offers a variety of funding opportunities. Included among these are Fellowships and Assistantships. University fellowships are primarily awarded by the Graduate College and assistantships by the individual departments. The Graduate College’s Fellowship and Financial Service offices is an excellent resource for identifying what resources are available to students.
Assistantships for teaching and research vary from department to department and offer not only financial support but exposure to experiential and research opportunities. Additionally, UCF offers federal financial assistance.
College of Graduate Studies Graduate Financial Assistance Office (407) 823-4337 |
Office of Student Financial Assistance (407) 823-2827 |
UCF Awards and Funding Opportunities
Below you will find a listing of Fellowship and Funding opportunities available to our graduate students. Each of these award opportunities has different application criteria and the majority are not handled directly by the UCF Graduate Fellowship Office. Please be sure to visit the funding agency’s website for more information.
College of Sciences Scholarships
A listing of scholarships funded for College of Sciences graduate and undergraduate students.
Prestigious Fellowships/Scholarship
A listing of national and international prestigious fellowships. The Honor’s College offers application support for any students interested in these awards. Please visit their website:
Office of Student Financial Assistance
The Office of Student Financial Assistance has a listing of scholarship and fellowship opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students. Please visit their website:
Travel Funding
Graduate Students Travel Funding is available to pay transportation expenses for graduate students who are delivering a research paper or comparable creative activity at a professional meeting. These funds are available from the College of Graduate Studies and the Student Government Association.
College of Graduate Studies | (407) 823-2766 |
External Sources for Graduate Student Funding
Many universities compile lists of sites that offer funding opportunities for graduate students… here are a few:
As a UCF student (with an active e-mail account), you can gain access to PIVOT, the a database of funding opportunities in support of researchers, research managers, information specialists and students in all types of organizations–from academia and government agencies to medical facilities and corporations.
IRIS (Illinois Researcher Information Service)
An index of over 8000 current federal and private funding opportunities in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.
University Fellowship Resources:
Brandeis University’s Funding & Grants Information Resources
Searchable funding opportunities by subject.
Cornell Fellowship Database
Searchable by discipline, demographic, citizenship, degree and keywords/A-Z
Michigan State University Graduate Fellowship Database
Listing of funding opportuntiiees
Duke Humanities and Social Science
Fellowships and grants for graduate and professional students by funding source type.
UCLA’s Graduate and Postdoctoral Extramural Supoprt Database.
Extramural funding opportunities of interest to prospective and current graduate students, students working on a master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation, and postdoctoral scholars.It contains information on over 500 private and publicly funded awards, fellowships, and internships. Advanced search options allow users to refine their search by field, academic level, award type, award amount, and other criteria. GRAPES is maintained by the Graduate Outreach, Diversity and Fellowships Office. (Resource compliments of Academic Research Funding Strategies, LLC)
Post-Doctoral Funding/Information:
National Postdoctoral Association
Support and information for post-docs. Endorses Science Careers Job Board as a search tool for post-doc opportunities.
University of California, Berkeley, Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunities
BioSciences, Social Sciences, Humanities
UCF Fellowship Information
Please go to the Graduate College’s website for the most up-to-date information about University Fellowship Opportunities. University offers will differ depending on whether you are a new or continuing student: If you are a new student, on the Graduate College’s website, please check Student Finances – Financing Grad School
UCF Graduate Fellowships: The College of Sciences Graduate Office takes nominations from the departments for several fellowships. They are: Provost and Summer Mentoring.
In addition, the UCF Graduate Financial Assistance Office accepts applications for other Fellowship awards. For those awarded through the Graduate Fellowship Office, you will need to fill out the Fellowship Application (please check the complete description, as some do not require this application). These awards include, but are not limited to: Graduate Travel Awards, Delores A. Auzenne, FAMU Feeder, FGAMP Graduate Fellowship.
For More Information about fellowships, as well as other forms of financial assistance, please visit the Graduate Fellowship Office in Millican Hall, Room 230.
Website: > Graduate Student Handbook > Funding for Graduate School
Phone: 407/823-2766.