Talks and Conferences

Selected and Recent Talks

  2019, Invited speaker, AMS Sectional Meeting.

2018, Colloquium Talk, Temple University

  2017, Invited speaker, V International Symposium on Nonlinear Equations and Free Boundary Problems, Buenos Aires – Argentina.

  2016, Plenary speaker, First Joint Meeting Brazil–Italy in Mathematics, Rio de Janeiro – Brazil.

  2015, Keynote speaker, Annual Meeting of the Sociedad de Matemática de Chile, Pucón – Chile.

  2014, Speaker, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences – Free Boundary Problems and Related Topics, Cambridge – U.K.

  2014 Plenary Speaker, ICMC Summer Meeting in honor to Djairo de Figueiredo, São Carlos – Brazil

  2013, Invited Speaker, 1st Mathematical Congress of the Americas, Guanajuato – Mexico.

Recent Organizing and Scientific Committees

2017, Special Session on Nonlinear Elliptic PDEs, AMS Sectional Meeting, Orlando.

2016, Nonlinear PDE @ IMPA, Rio de Janeiro.

2016, ICMC Summer Meeting, USP São Carlos.

2015, 30th Brazilian Colloquium of Mathematics.

2015, Current Trends in Analysis and Partial Differential Equations; a trimester thematic program at IMPA.

2015, Capes School of High Studies, IMPA.

2014, XV International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems, IMPA.

2014, Braz. Math. Sociely’s Bienal da Matemática, Maceió.

Select Videos and Interviews

Sessão Solene de entrega do Título de Cidadão Cearense.

O matemático que há em nós — Conhecendo a Matemática 2021 Univ. Estadual do Ceará.

Focus On Active Learning Improves Drop Rate for Calculus Classes — An Article by Ally Friedman.

Regularity theory for nonlinear diffusion processes — Rio de Janeiro Webinars on Analysis and PDE.

Professor makes major change that sets him off to an award winning career — An Article by Rahma Hassan

Interviewed by Anna Lombardi, Press Information Office — ICTP-Italy.

On Physical and Non-Physical Free Boundaries, at the 2017 Ramanujan Prize Ceremony.

Geometric estimates for nonlinear diffusive models, at the 1st Joint Meeting Brazil – Italy in Mathematics.

Escola de Altos Estudos: Free Boundary Problems C-11, at the School of High Studies, IMPA.

Escola de Altos Estudos: Free Boundary Problems C-12, at the School of High Studies, IMPA.

Problemas com fronteiras livres e aplicações at the 28th Brazilian Colloquium of Mathematics.

Interview at the 2013 MCA.

Free boundary problems and geometric regularity theory, at the 1st Mathematical Congress of Americas.

EDPs elípticas e problemas de fronteira livre, (in portuguese) at the V Simpósio Nacional / Jornadas de Iniciação Científica.