Category: Past Events

Mock Research Conference and Officer Nominations!

Come out to our general body meeting today to see fascinating research some of our members are working on! This will be followed by officer nominations, and of course, pizza, as always!

Machine Learning Workshop!

Our vice-president, Al, will be hosting a two-day machine learning workshop after Spring Break (on Tuesday, 3/26, and Thursday, 3/28, from 4-6 PM, in MSB 110). This is a beginner-friendly course that is open to all, so please make it if you can!

UCF Integration Bee

A person in a grey Adidas hoodie is writing a mathematical equation on a whiteboard with a purple marker.

Thank you to everyone who came out and participated in the first annual UCF Integration Bee in several years! It was really fulfilling to see an old tradition of the Collegiate Mathematical Society revive and have so much interest behind it. Because the contest was so well received, we hope to organize this contest each …

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Applications of Discrete Mathematics on Computer Science

Dr. Steinberg talks about how math developed computer science through computability and complexity theory!

Mathematics at the Intersection of Ecology and Epidemiology

At this general body meeting, Dr. Shuai talks about mathematical biology, specifically ecology and epidemiology!

First Spring GBM!

Come out for updates on what we have planned this semester, a presentation by Dr. Shuai, and a fun game of Estimathon!


A classroom presentation with a projected image of a hand holding an object. Three individuals are at the front: one speaking, another holding a device, and the third at the computer. An American flag is on the right.

Thank you so much to everyone who came out and made STEM Day a success! We hope to continue this tradition each semester as a way to instill interest in mathematics within younger students.

Game Night!

A group of people in a classroom are sitting at tables, engaged in discussion and working on laptops. The walls are adorned with framed photos and a whiteboard.

Hope everyone who came out today had a lot of fun! Special thanks to our secretary, Tommy, for organizing the team trivia game!  

Second General Body Meeting!

Come out to our second general body meeting for an information session about academic advancement programs!

First Fall GBM!

People are seated and standing in a classroom, engaged in conversation. A welcome slide with "Welcome to CMS" and a logo is displayed on a screen at the front of the room.

Thank you to everyone who came out to our first general body meeting of the semester! It was great seeing some new faces as well as familiar faces from previous years. Hope to see you at the future events we have planned!