Category: Astrophysics

October 15, 2019 / Astrophysics
October 15, 2019 / Astrophysics

The astroquarks welcome Stephanie Jarmak from UCF to discuss the study of gluons, the hilariously named force-carriers that hold quarks together, Trojan asteroids sharing Jupiter’s orbit, eyeball planets and snowball planets, and more. All this…

September 4, 2019 / Astrophysics

Hurricanes are regular visitors to the Walkabout Studios at the University of Central Florida, but not to the planet Venus, whose slow rotation makes for rather dull weather. High of 900 degrees is forecast for…

August 26, 2019 / Astrophysics
August 26, 2019 / Astrophysics

Supernovae come in a variety of flavors but all involve one thing: the awesomely huge explosion of a giant star. There’s a new kind of supernova, long suspected, but now with a very promising example,…

August 12, 2019 / Astrophysics

The astroquarks take a stroll through the extrasolar planetary zoo where there are new members of the close-to-Earth-sized club and a peculiar Neptune-y thingy orbiting super close to its star. Meanwhile there are rapid developments…