Category: Episodes

This is where you can listen to our podcast episodes.

May 19, 2014 / Episodes
May 15, 2014 / Episodes

Addie and Josh discuss two of Saturn’s 60-plus moons, and one of them may not even be a moon. Yet. Intrigued? Check out Episode 4, available now, to hear about the discovery of the subsurface…

May 3, 2014 / Episodes

In Episode 3, now available on iTunes, we welcome Professor Tom Statler (University of Ohio and University of Maryland) who tells the fascinating story of how sunlight can make an asteroid literally fly apart, and…

April 14, 2014 / Episodes

New statistical analyses of data from the Kepler planet-finding spacecraft added over 700 exoplanets to its already impressive total. In this, our first episode, Josh interrupts Addie and Ashley much more often then they interrupt…