Category: The Solar System

April 19, 2015 / Episodes

The story I heard is that the title for A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess was chosen when a friend of Burgess read the novel and said it made about as much sense as a…

April 13, 2015 / Episodes

Astronomers are very excited that they saw something happen in less than a million years! Observations of a super-massive star in our neck of the Milky Way show the development of collimated jets over the…

March 30, 2015 / Episodes

In this episode of Walkabout the Galaxy we finally answer the question that’s been haunting you all: what does Addie sound like with a stuffy nose? We also ruminate about the joys of going to…

March 2, 2015 / Episodes

Josh, Addie and guest Jim Cooney discuss the observation by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft of two mysterious white spots on the largest asteroid in the solar system, Ceres. Could they be white monoliths? That’s what we’re…

February 2, 2015 / Episodes

Josh, Addie and Tracy discuss the new SMAP (Soil Moisture Active Passive) satellite orbiting the Earth to map the changes in the moisture content in the upper 5 cm of soil around the world. In…

January 25, 2015 / Space Exploration

The ill-fated Beagle 2 Mars lander has been spotted by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The European Space Agency lander was successfully deployed from Mars Express orbiter in December 2003, but was not heard from after…