Control of Inifinite Dimensional Systems

  • Xiaoyu Fu, Jiongmin Yong, and Xu Zhang
    Controllability and observability of a hear equation with hyperbolic memory kernel
    Jounral of Differential Equations, 247 (2009), 2395-2439. (Article)
  • Hongwei Lou and Jiongmin Yong
    Optimality Conditions for Semilinear Elliptic Equations with Leading Term Containing Controls
    SIAM Jounral on Control and Optimization, 48 (2009), 2366-2387. (Article)
  • Xiaoyu Fu, Jiongmin Yong, and Xu Zhang
    Exact controllability for multidimensional semilinear hyperbolic equations
    SIAM Jounral on Control and Optimization, 46 (2007), 1578-1614. (Article)
  • Liping Pan and Jiongmin Yong
    Optimal control for quasilinear retarded parabolic systems
    The Australian & New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal, 42 (2001), 532-551.
  • Suzanne Lenhart, Vladimir Protopopescu, and Jiongmin Yong
    Identification of boundary shape and reflectivity in a wave equation by optimal control techniques
    Differential and Integral Equations, 13 (2000), 941-972.
  • Mary Elizabeth Bradley, Suzanne Lenhart, and Jiongmin Yong
    Bilinear optimal control of the velocity term in a Kirchhoff plate equation
    Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 238 (1999), 451-467.
  • Kangsheng Liu and Jiongmin Yong
    Rapid exact controllability of the wave equation by controls distributed on a time-variant subdomain
    Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Ser. B , 20 (1999), 65-76.
  • Zhuangyi Liu and Jiongmin Yong
    Qualitative properties of certain C_0 semigroups arising in elastic systems with various dampings
    Advances in Differential Equations, 3 (1998), 643-686.
  • David R. Adams, Suzanne Lenhart, and Jiongmin Yong
    Optimal control of the obstacle for an elliptic variational inequality
    Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 38 (1998), 121-140.
  • Suzanne Lenhart, Vladimir Protopopescu, and Jiongmin Yong
    Optimal control of a reflection boundary coefficient in an acoustic wave equation
    Applicable Analysis, 68 (1998), 179-194.
  • Eduardo Casas, Luis A. Fernández, and Jiongmin Yong
    Optimal control of quasilinear parabolic equations
    Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Section A, 125 (1995), 545-565.
  • Bei Hu and Jiongmin Yong
    Pontryagin maximum principle for semilinear and quasilinear parabolic equations with pointwise state constraints
    SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 33 (1995), 1857-1880.
  • Jiongmin Yong
    Optimality conditions for controls of semilinear evolution systems with mixed constraints
    Discrete and Continuous Dynamic Systems, 1 (1995), 371-388.
  • Suzanne Lenhart and Jiongmin Yong
    Optimal control for degenerate parabolic equations with logistic growth
    Nonlinear Analysis – Theory and Applications, 25 (1995), 681-698.
  • Eduardo Casas and Jiongmin Yong
    Maximum principle for state-constrained optimal control problems governed by quasilinear elliptic equations with pointwise state constraints
    Differential Integral Equations, 8 (1995), 1-18.
  • Jiongmin Yong
    Necessary conditions for minimax control problems of second order elliptic partial differential equations
    Kodai Mathematical Journal, 16 (1993), 469-486.
  • Jiongmin Yong
    Optimal control for nonlinear abstract evolution systems
    Differential Integral Equations, 6 (1993), 1145-1159.
  • Jiongmin Yong
    Infinite-dimensional Volterra-Stieltjes evolution equations and related optimal control problems
    SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 31 (1993), 539-568.
  • Jiongmin Yong
    Existence theory of optimal controls for distributed parameter systems
    Kodai Mathematical Journal, 15 (1992), 193-220.
  • Jiongmin Yong
    Pontryagin maximum principle for semilinear second order elliptic partial differential equations and variational inequalities with state constraints
    Differential Integral Equations, 5 (1992), 1307-1334.
  • Jiongmin Yong and Pingjian Zhang
    Necessary conditions of optimal impulse controls for distributed parameter systems
    Bulletin of Australia Mathematical Society, 45 (1992), 305-326.
  • Jiongmin Yong
    Time optimal controls for semilinear distributed parameter systems—existence theory and necessary conditions
    Kodai Mathemaitcal Journal, 14 (1991), 239-253.
  • Xunjing Li and Jiongmin Yong
    Necessary conditions for optimal control of distributed parameter systems
    SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 29 (1991), 895-908.
  • Jiongmin Yong
    Optimal controls for distributed parameter systems with mixed constraints
    Colloquium Mathematicum, 60/61 (1990), 35-48.
  • Avner Friedman, Shaoyun Huang, and Jiongmin Yong
    Optimal periodic control for the two-phase Stefan problem
    SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 26 (1988), 23-41.
  • Avner Friedman, Shaoyun Huang, and Jiongmin Yong
    Bang-bang optimal control for the dam problem
    Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 15 (1987), 65-85.