Contact: Madeline Byrne
Phone: (407) 823-0098

Updated: October, 2019

General Information

These processing steps outline how to obtain an agreement for a faculty new hire, which is just one part of the faculty hiring process. Please remember that the employment agreement is the official offer of employment and “unofficial” offers of employment are prohibited and will not be honored by the university.

The university does recognize that there may be circumstances in which a candidate may need written documentation of the search status at UCF. In these limited circumstances, the college/unit may provide a written letter summarizing the search status and indicating that an Employment Agreement will be given once all the conditions of the process are satisfied and the hire is approved by the provost or designee. In those limited circumstances, the language outlined in Appendix B in the Faculty Hiring Guide must be included.

The following processing steps begin after the selected candidate agrees to the terms outlined in the recommendation to hire letter. If it is identified the selected candidate will need visa support, the hiring unit should reach out to UCF Global as soon as possible. Find more information in the international employment section of this site. Note: before proceeding with the recommendation to hire letter, the posting on must be closed and any applications received by the posting deadline must be reviewed using the same established round criteria.

Requesting a Faculty New Hire Agreement
  • After the selected candidate agrees to the terms outlined in the recommendation to hire letter, the college will initiate the employment agreement request process.
    o   This begins with the college initiating the offer card in PageUp, the online                      recruitment system.
    o   The college will also generate and submit the employment agreement request              and E&G Commitment form (if applicable) to Personnel Administration for                      signature by the Provost. Note:for C&G hires, the employment agreement                    request will first route to the Office of Research, who will then forward it on to                Personnel Administration. Any UCF Connect hires will first route through UCF                Connect, who will then forward it on to Personnel Administration.
    o   It is through the offer card electronic routing process that the background                      check  is initiated. After the offer card is electronically routed to HR, the new                  hire is contacted by them with the steps they must complete. For more                          information on the background check request process, please see the Criminal            Background Check page on this website.
  • Once the offer card is approved by Personnel Administration, the college is notified and asked to confirm the offer is ready to launch. At this stage, the college will reach out to the unit to confirm the offer can be launched to the candidate.
  • After the offer is confirmed to launch with the unit, the college will confirm with Personnel Administration, who will launch the offer to the candidate.
  • Once launched, the candidate receives a system generated email with a link directing them to PageUp to accept the offer. Once accepted, the employee will see all their onboarding tasks and be prompted to fill out their personal data information.
    o   The onboarding task for the employment agreement and conditions of employment      asks the new hire to sign and provide them to the hiring manager. There is no              specific contact mentioned in the system.

For tenured/tenure earning faculty hires as well as clinical and research positions, the signed version of their agreement can be email a copy of the agreement to COS Admin ( to initiate access to research system.

For questions regarding this process, please contact Madeline Byrne (Madeline.Byrne or Wayneeta King (











“Unofficial” offers of employment are prohibited and will not be honored by the university. The university does recognize that there may be circumstances in which a candidate may need written documentation of the search status at UCF. In these limited circumstance, the college/unit may provide a written letter summarizing the search status and indicating that an Employment Agreement will be given once all the conditions of the process are satisfied and the hire is approved by the provost or designee. In those limited circumstances, the language outlined in Appendix B in the Faculty Hiring Guide must be included.

Employment Guidelines can be found on HR’s website at  Agreement and ePAF dates are found within this guideline.

NOTE: The job posting on PeopleAdmin, also known as jobswithucf, has to be closed (meaning the posting deadline as listed on the website is not currently “open”, or the listed application deadline has passed and all timely applicants have been considered.

1)  Once the criminal background check has been completed and the department wishes to continue the hire process, the college will create an Employment Agreement and send it to Academic Affairs (AAA) for signature by the Provost.

a.  E&G hires will be sent to AAA with the E&G Salary commitment form created at the College Level.
b.  C&G hires will be sent to Office of Research & Commercialization (ORC) first. ORC will then forward to AAA.

NOTE: Step 1 is completed after the Recommendation to Hire Letter has been submitted to COS Admin.

2)  Once the Provost approves, it is returned to the College for processing along with the Conditions of Employment.
3)  The college will place the Agreement in the Departments mailbox in the Dean’s Office and notify the Department with further instructions.
a.  The employee must sign and date the Employment Agreement and Condition of Employment.  Copies of all the forms must be provided to the candidate.
b.  This step may include making arrangements with the employee to complete payroll sign-in or schedule an appointment with International Service Center AND generate an electronic Personnel Action Form (ePAF).

NOTE: If there are any disagreements with any portion of the contract, do not make any edits as it will make the document null and void. Please contact Hollesha.Foster at 3-6653 or by email (

4)  Once signed, return to COS Administrative Services (COS Admin) in the Dean’s office. The college will make a copy for the employee’s personnel file and send the original to HR-Records.
a.  If an ePAF was created, the ePAF number must be written in the upper right corner of the    Agreement.