Contact: Seresa Cruz
Phone: (407) 823-0815
Lync: COS Administrative Services


SCENARIO 1: The department intends to reallocate funds associated with a faculty member’s resignation to hire an assistant professor. The salary associated with the NTE faculty member leaving was $60,000; therefore, the department is also planning to convert funds from non-salary to salary.

Salary Allocation Available $75,900
Convert Non-Salary to Salary $18,975
Total $94,875*

*To establish a salary budget line of $94,875 ($75,000 salary plus fringe). If the entire salary budget is not utilized then the funds would automatically revert back to non-salary or could be used to supplement a different line.

SCENARIO 2: The department intends to reallocate funds associated with a faculty member’s resignation to hire an assistant professor. The salary associated with the vacated line is more than the salary needed to hire a replacement; therefore, the different will be return to the unit’s non-salary allocation.

Salary Allocated Available $113,850
Salary Reallocated -$94,875
Difference $18,975 (schedule to convert to non-salary)

SCENARIO 3: The department intends to use nonrecurring funds (e.g. salary savings) to hire a visiting instructor/lecturer. Use the additional information section to identify any financial plans for multiple years if the line being established is renewable.

SCENARIO 4: The department intends to reclassify a vacant staff line – from Administrative Assistant to Coordinator of Administrative Services. The salary allocation associated with the vacated line is available and the department intends to convert non-salary to salary for the difference. (Note: for re-classifications when the position is not vacant, you should use the “position change request” form.)

Position Number Request example 1
Position Number Request example 2
Position Number Request example 3
Position Number Request example 4

To obtain a position number in the College of Sciences the HR Liaison and Budget Liaison must prepare a “Position Number Request” form. Which is located in the unit’s shared folder (more information regarding the shared folder can be found in the section on training and security). The request needs to outline sufficient information to establish a position or reclassify a vacant line. (Note: For information on how to request a classification when the line is occupied please see the section on “Position Change Request.”)

Additionally, the request must outline the financial plan to fund the position (estimated salary & fringe). For research funded positions this includes additional information regarding the proposal and/or information needed to request a CAS Exemption.