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PUMA House Installation – February 2020!
Brian and Lauren steer the hand-truck with the first load of materials
Lauren, Julia, and Brian
First house site. Not sure exactly where to begin…
Thankfully we have Zach to show us the way!
Julia and Lauren stuffing gourds with fresh pine straw
First pole is almost up!
Zach, Lauren, Julia, and Brian are excited to start adding gourds.
Lauren, Julia, and Zach
Lauren and Julia
Part of the Forsman lab represented: Julia, Brian, Lauren, and Anna
Brian adjusting the baffle to keep away predators
Blue skies, waiting for purple birds
A full complement of gourds, addressed and ready to go!
Gourds everywhere…
This truck bed was filled up many times during this process
Later in the afternoon we were joined by Lab Symbiont, Victoria, and several students from Anna’s Genomics course
Zach, Victoria, and Zaynah working on the last house of the day for round 1
Decoy is poised and ready!
What an amazing day!
PUMA housing install, Day 2
Lauren and Julia are getting to be pro’s at this
Julia, Lauren, Peyton, and Brian
First Birds – March 2020!
First birds detected on 14 March, 2020!
Two birds plus decoy, checking out House 1 by the Field Building
New field assistants amid COVID-19 campus closure…
New field assistants amid COVID-19 campus closure…
Nest-building and Egg-laying – April 2020!