Linh Anh Cat and Danielle LangCongratulations to Linh Anh Cat and Danielle Lang who received scholar positions in the UCF Reseach and Mentoring Program (RAMP)! Linh Anh’s project will investigate the effects of commonly used algaecides on nutrient release, productivity and community structure in experimental mesocosms, using commonly encountered aquatic plants from UCF storm water detention ponds. Danielle’s project will examine “Variability and Sources of Nutrients in Urban Storm Water Systems,” using monitoring data and land use information from the UCF campus. The RAMP program is designed to provide undergraduate students with research experience while working closely with a faculty mentor. In addition, the students participate in a variety of workshops designed to increase their awareness and knowledge of graduate school education. The aim of this program is to encourage more students from those populations who are traditionally underrepresented in graduate education to attend graduate school.