Ph.D. 2002. Program in Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology, Department of Biology, University of South Carolina |
B.S. 1994. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Department of Biology, University of Pittsburgh |
2019-present. Professor, Department of Biology, UCF |
2015 – present. Biology Graduate Program Director, UCF |
2012-2019. Associate Professor, Department of Biology, UCF |
2006-2012. Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, UCF |
2003-2005. NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Genetics, UGA (advisor: Daniel Promislow) |
2002-2004. NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Biology, UC Riverside (advisor: Marlene Zuk) |
NSF SSTEM Grant #DUE–1742380. PI: $999,975. 2018-2023. |
NSF RET Grant #IOS-72213. PI: $15,000. 2010-2011. |
NSF Grant #IOS-72213. PI: $305,000. 2007-2011. |
DOE Grant # DE-PS02-07ER07-11. C0-PI:$865,000. 2007-2012 |
NSF GRANT #IOS-0608636. 2006-2007. PI: $50,000 |
NSF Post-doctoral Fellowship. 2002-2005. PI:$150,000 |
University of California President’s Post-doctoral Fellowship (awarded but declined. |
USC GAANN Fellowship. 2000-2002. |
NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (DDIG). 2000-2001. |