Why use R?
- Muenchen, RA. The popularity of data analysis software
- Muenchen, RA. Trends in the analytics job market
R & RStudio Links
- swirl – a great way to learn your way around R
- The R project
- CRAN Task Views, [descriptions of packages, including:]
- RStudio [the default R-interface for this course]
Books / Guides (online)
- Paradis, E. 2005. R for Beginners
- Spector, P. 2004. An introduction to R.
- Verzani, J. 2002. simpleR.
- Maindonald, JH. 2008. Using R for data analysis and graphics.
- Seefeld, K & Linder, E. 2007. Statistics using R with biological examples.
- Dyer, R. Biological data analysis with R.
Getting Started in R & Cheat Sheets
- Machlis, S. 2013. A beginner’s guide. [very useful, with a long list of online resources]
- Contributed Documentation @ CRAN [many good links here]
- Baron, J. R reference card.
- RStudio cheat sheets. Awesome for basics, graphs, dplyr, and more
- Quick-R [web page, with much good info & links]
- Manipulating Data
- Graphing in R
R blogs and Forums (because others precede you)
- R-bloggers [central connection to >500 blogs]
- Stack Overflow [popular forum for programmers, much in there on R too]
- inside-R [generally pretty helpful]
- R-help forum
- R-statistics (some advanced stats)
Other stuff