Publications: Dave Jenkins & colleagues

Reprints are provided for personal and educational (i.e., non-commercial) uses, and may also be obtained by email to david.jenkins [at]

  • Jenkins, DG and S Pierce. 2017. General allometric scaling of net primary production agrees with plant adaptive strategy theory and has tipping points. J. Ecology. doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.12726
  • Carman, K and DG Jenkins. 2016. Comparing diversity to flower-bee interaction networks reveals unsuccessful foraging of native bees in disturbed habitats. Biological Conservation 202:110-118.
  • Boughton EH, PF Quintana-Ascencio, P Bohlen, JE Fauth, and DG Jenkins. 2015. Interactive effects of pasture management intensity, release from grazing, and prescribed fire on forty subtropical wetland plant assemblages. J. Applied Ecology 53:159-170. pdf
  • Medley, KA, EH Boughton, DG Jenkins, PF Quintana-Ascencio, P Bohlen, and JE Fauth. 2015. Intense ranchland management tips the balance of regional and local factors affecting wetland community structure. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 212:207-244. pdf
  • Kelly, SL, H Song and DG Jenkins. 2015. Land management practices interactively affect wetland beetle ecological and phylogenetic community structure. Ecol. Applications 25:891-900. pdf
  • Jenkins, DG. 2015. Estimating ecological production from biomass. EcoSphere 6:49. pdf | data
  • Medley, KA, DG Jenkins and EA Hoffman. 2015. Human-aided and natural dispersal drive gene flow across the range of an invasive mosquito. Molec. Ecol. 24:284-295. pdfdata@dryad | in the press
  • Jenkins, DG. 2014. Lakes and rivers as microcosms, v. 2.0. J. Limnology. 797. pdf  | suppl. files
  • McCauley, LA, DG Jenkins and PF Quintana-Ascencio. 2013. Isolated wetland loss and degradation over two decades in an increasingly urbanized landscape. Wetlands 33:117-127. pdf | suppl. 1suppl. 2suppl. 3
  • McCauley, LA, DG Jenkins and PF Quintana-Ascencio. 2013. Reproductive failure of a long-lived wetland tree in urban lands and managed forests. J. Applied Ecology 50:25-33. pdf
  • Jenkins, DG and RE Ricklefs. 2011. Biogeography and ecology: two views of one world. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B 366:2331-2335. pdf
  • Ricklefs, RE and DG Jenkins. 2011. Biogeography and ecology: toward the integration of two disciplines. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B. 366:2438-2448. pdf
  • Jenkins, DG and RE Ricklefs. 2011. Biogeography and ecology: two lenses in one telescope. Frontiers of Biogeography 3:3-5. pdf
  • Jenkins, DG. 2011. Ranked species occupancy curves reveal common patterns among diverse metacommunities. Global Ecology & Biogeography 20:486-497. pdf
  • Jenkins, DG, KA Medley and RB Franklin. 2011. Microbes as tests of biogeographical principles. Chapter 15 in D Fontaneto (ed.), Biogeography of microscopic organisms. Is everything small everywhere? Cambridge University Press. pdf
  • Jenkins, DG, M Carey, J Czerniewska, J Fletcher, T Hether, A Jones, S Knight, J Knox, T Long, M Mannino, M McGuire, A Riffle, S Segelsky, L Shappell, A Sterner, T Strickler, and R Tursi. 2010. A meta-analysis of isolation by distance: relic or reference standard for landscape genetics? 2010. Ecography 33:315-320. pdf
  • Boughton, EH, PF Quintana-Ascencio, PJ Bohlen, DG Jenkins, and R Pickert. 2010. Land-use and isolation interact to affect wetland plant assemblages. Ecography 33:461-470. pdf
  • Berry, BJ, DG Jenkins, and AC Schuerger.  2010. Effects of simulated Martian conditions on the survival and growth of Escherichia coli and Serratia liquefaciens. Applied & Environmental Microbiology 76:2377–2386. pdf
  • Medley, KA. 2010. Niche shifts during the global invasion of the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus Skuse (Culicidae), revealed by reciprocal distribution models. Global Ecology and Biogeography 19:122-133. pdf
  • Jenkins, DG and D Rinne. 2008. Red herring or low illumination? The peninsula effect revisited. J. Biogeography. 35:2128-2137. pdf
  • Alemadi, SD and DG Jenkins. 2008. Behavioral constraints for the spread of the eastern mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki (Poeciliidae). Biological Invasions 10:59-66. pdf
  • Jenkins, DG, CR Brescacin, CV Duxbury, JA Elliott, JA Evans, KR Grablow, M Hillegass, BN Lyon, GA Metzger, ML Olandese, D Pepe, GA Silvers, HN Suresch, TN Thompson, CM Trexler, GE Williams, NC Williams and SE Williams. 2007. Does size matter for dispersal distance? Global Ecology and Biogeography 16:415-425. pdf
  • Jenkins, DG. 2007. A critical analysis of Illinois’ fish mercury monitoring program, 1974-1998. Environ. Monit. Assess. 131:177-184. pdf
  • Lemke, MJ, DG Jenkins, J Bartletti, and T Goode.  2007. Comparison of nitrogen and bacterial dynamics in Spunky Bottoms and LaGrange floodplain wetlands. In:  Heske, EJ, et al. (eds). Spunky Bottoms: restoration of a big-river floodplain. Proceedings of the Spunky Bottoms Restoration Symposium, May 2003.  INHS Special Publication 29, Champaign, IL.  pgs. 12-14. pdf
  • Jenkins, DG and LA McCauley. 2006. GIS, SINKS, FILL, and disappearing small wetlands: a case study of unintended consequences in algorithmic development. Proceedings of the 2006 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. pdf
  • Jenkins, DG. 2006. In search of quorum effects in metacommunity structure: species co-occurrence analyses. Ecology 87:1523–1531. pdf
  • McCauley, LA and DG Jenkins. 2005. GIS-based estimates of former and current depressional wetlands in an agricultural landscape. Ecological Applications 15:1199-1208. pdf
  • Bohonak, A. and DG Jenkins. 2003. Ecological and evolutionary significance of dispersal by freshwater aquatic invertebrates. Ecology Letters 6:783-796. pdf
  • Jenkins, DG, S Grissom, K Miller. 2003. Consequences of prairie wetland drainage for crustacean biodiversity and metapopulations. Conservation Biology 17:158-167. pdf
  • Jenkins, DG, K Cook, JL Garland. 2000. Pythium infection of plant-based life support systems: biological control and a potential source of infection. Life Support and Biosphere Science 7:209-218. pdf
  • Chang, N and DG Jenkins. 2000. Plastid endosymbionts in the freshwater crustacean Daphnia obtusa. J. Crustacean Biology 20:231-238. pdf | Random Sample in Science | hi-res Fig. 1 [to the right]
  • Schwartz, SS and DG Jenkins. 2000. Temporary aquatic habitats: constraints and opportunities.  Aquatic Ecology 34:3-8. pdf
  • Stevens, PH and DG Jenkins. 2000. Small-scale spatial pattern analysis of crustacean community composition among temporary ponds.  Aquatic Ecology 34:91-99. pdf
  • Nix, MH and DG Jenkins. 2000.  Life history comparisons of Daphnia obtusa from temporary ponds and fed low-quality food.  Aquatic Ecology 34:19-27. pdf
  • Jenkins, DG, C Atkinson, JL Garland. 1998. A cautionary note on measuring protistan bacterivory: lysozyme analyses are neither protistan- or bacterivore-specific. Invertebrate Biology 117:181-185. pdf
  • Jenkins, DG and M Underwood.  1998.  Zooplankton may not disperse readily in wind, rain, or waterfowl. Hydrobiologia 387/388:15-21. pdf
  • Holland, TA and DG Jenkins. 1998. Comparison of the processes regulating zooplankton assemblages in new freshwater pools. Hydrobiologia 387/388:207-214. pdf
  • Jenkins, DG and AL Buikema, Jr.  1998.  Do similar communities develop in similar sites? A test with zooplankton structure and function. Ecological Monographs 68: 421-443. pdf
  • Jenkins, DG. 1995. Dispersal-limited zooplankton distribution and community composition in new ponds.  Hydrobiologia 313:15-20. pdf
  • Jenkins, DG, WL Grogan, Jr. and ME Folkoff.  1995.  An additional record of the freshwater jellyfish, Craspedacusta sowerbyi, on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, with notes on its habitat.  Maryland Naturalist 38:3-6.
  • Christman, VD, JR Voshell, DG Jenkins, MS Rosenzweig, RJ Layton, and AL Buikema, Jr.  1994.  Ecological development and biometry of untreated pond mesocosms.  In: RL Graney, JH Kennedy, and JH Rodgers, eds. Aquatic Mesocosm Studies in Ecological Risk Assessment.  Lewis Publ., Boca Raton, FL.
  • Jenkins, DG and AL Buikema, Jr. 1990. Response of a winter plankton food web to simazine. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 9:693-705. pdf
  • Jenkins, DG, RJ Layton and AL Buikema, Jr. 1989. State of the art in aquatic ecological risk assessment. In: JR Voshell, ed.  Using Mesocosms to Assess the Aquatic Ecological Risk of Pesticides: Theory and Practice Ent. Soc. Amer. Misc. Publ. MPPEAL 75:18-32.
  • McCormick, PV, JR Pratt, DG Jenkins and J Cairns, Jr. 1988. A comparison of protozoan, algal and metazoan colonization of artificial substrates of differing size. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 107: 259-268. pdf