Reprints are provided for personal and educational (i.e., non-commercial) uses, and may also be obtained by email to I.Stout [at] The following is a partial list – many more will be added as they become available.
- Catano, CP & IJ Stout. 2015. Functional relationships reveal keystone effects
of the gopher tortoise on vertebrate diversity in a longleaf pine savanna. Biodiversity & Conservation 8:1957-1974. - Kalkvik, HM, IJ Stout & CL Parkinson. 2012. Unraveling natural versus anthropogenic effects on genetic diversity within the southeastern beach mouse (Peromyscus polionotus niveiventris). Conservation Genetics 13:1653-1664. pdf
- Suazo, AA, JE Fauth, JD Roth, CL Parkinson & IJ Stout. 2009. Responses of small rodents to habitat restoration and management for the imperiled Florida Scrub-Jay. Biological Conservation 142:2322–2328. pdf
- Beckage, B & IJ Stout. 2000. Effects of repeated burning on species richness in a Florida pine savanna: a test of the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. J. Vegetation Science 11:113-122. pdf
- Corey, DT, IJ Stout & GB Edwards. 1998. Ground surface spider fauna in Florida sandhill communities. J. Arachnology 26:303-316. pdf
- Stout, IJ & WR Marion. 1993. Pine flatwoods and xeric pine forests of southern (lower) coastal plain. Ch. 9 in: Martin, WH, SG Boyce & AC Echternacht (eds.) Biodiversity of the southeastern United States. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. pgs. 373-446. pdf