We call ourselves the d3 lab because our diverse interests can be lumped into studies of diversity, dispersal, and distributions. Dispersal is central but hard to study for many organisms, and often requires a broad perspective of time and space. So we often combine ecological and biogeographical approaches to infer the role of dispersal processes from patterns. It also helps to evaluate multiple species and conduct experiments. Doing so means we also study diversity. And because broad scales require multiple sites, we also study distributions.
We select study systems best suited to the research question at hand. This flexibility is challenging (we’ve researched bacteria, seeds, microcrustaceans, insects, fish, lizards and trees) but keeps us learning anew. The many geographically-isolated wetlands in Florida are a convenient study system, and we have often worked in those, especially here.
Recent Collaborations
- Hannah’s MS thesis is based in part on Todd Campbell‘s work on Nile monitors – Todd is a member of Hannah’s advisory committee.
- Dave’s working with Simon Pierce on a paper, which may lead to other fun.
- Dave is working with Andy Bohonak, Betsey Boughton, Reed Noss, Marie Simovich, and Ellen Bauder to test conservation shortcuts in CA and FL.
- We conducted a large experiment with Patrick Bohlen, John Fauth and Pedro Quintana-Ascencio at the MacArthur AgroEcology Research Center. That long-term experiment continues, thanks to Betsey Boughton. And Lisa Chambers is getting involved, too!
- We also teamed with the above folks on ecosystem services in Florida ranches.
- We are working with Betsie Rothermel at Archbold Biological Station and Mark Rains at USF toward a project on the ecohydrology of the many many wetlands at ABS.
In the foreseeable future, our research will be directed to:
- Conducting experiments and observations of populations and assemblages. For example, we’re helping Emma Moran with her cattle tank experiment. We hope to track individual organisms among wetlands with Kate Mansfield‘s help. And the big ranch wetlands experiment continues…
- Developing and testing models in the d3 realm, including species distribution models, beta diversity simulations, and models of metacommunity paradigms.
- Analyses of existing data. For example, one paper analyzed dispersal data, another analyzed isolation-by-distance data, and a recent one analyzed production & biomass data.
- Other projects that capture our imagination.