Warren, R.J., P.T. Frankson, J.E. Mohan, M.A. Bradford, J.R. King. 2025. Antagonistic biotic interactions mitigate the positive effects of warming on wood decomposition. Oecologia. 207: 1. PDF.
Stanbrook-Buyer, R., M. Bhat, and J.R. King. 2024. Economic value of dung removal by dung beetles in US sub-tropical pastures. Basic and Applied Ecology. PDF
King, J.R. 2024. Pesticide-free management of invasive ants impacting ground-nesting wildlife populations. Wildlife Society Bulletin. e1516. PDF
Ohyama, L. D.B. Booher, and J.R. King. 2023. Ecological traits of social insects: colony, queen, and worker size relationships reveal a nexus trait with broad ecological relevance. Functional Ecology 37: 2194–2206. PDF
Middleton, E., J.R. King, A. Johnson, and L. Diepenbrock. 2023. Evaluating control methods for red imported fire ant and their effects on hibiscus mealybug in citrus. Journal of Applied Entomology 147: 320-328. PDF
King, J.R. and L. Ohyama. 2023. Nest-founding by red imported fire ant queens (Solenopsis invicta) is not limited by Solenopsis thief ant populations. Insectes Sociaux 70: 149–152. PDF
Stanbrook, R. and J.R. King. 2022. Dung beetle community composition affects dung turnover in subtropical US grasslands. Ecology and Evolution 12:e8660. PDF (open access)
Bradford, M.A., D.S. Maynard, T.W. Crowther, P.T. Frankson, J.E. Mohan, C. Steinrueck, G.F. Veen, J.R. King, and R.J. Warren II. 2021. Belowground community turnover accelerates the decomposition of standing dead wood. Ecology e03484. PDF
Schadegg, P.**, and J.R. King. 2021. Feeding habits of the jumping spider Anasaitis canosa (Araneae: Salticidae) in the field. Florida Entomologist 104: 54-55. PDF
Ohyama, L.**, J.R. King, and D.G. Jenkins. 2020. Are tiny subterranean ants top predators affecting aboveground ant communities? Ecology 101: e03084. PDF
Steele, C.H.**, J.R. King, E. Boughton and D.G. Jenkins. 2020. Distribution of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), in central Florida pastures. Environmental Entomology 49: 956-962. PDF
Ohyama, L.**, J.R. King, and B.M. Gochnour **. 2020. Changes in an invaded Florida ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) community over 25 years. Florida Entomologist 103: 180-190. PDF
King J.R. 2020. Fire Ants (Solenopsis, in Part). In: Starr C. (eds) Encyclopedia of Social Insects. Springer, Cham. PDF
Warren, R.J., J.R. King, and M.A. Bradford. 2020. Disentangling resource acquisition from interspecific behavioral aggression to understand the ecological dominance of a common, widespread temperate forest ant. Insectes Sociaux 67: 179-187. PDF Google Scholar
Warren, R.J., K. Elliot, I. Giladi, J.R. King, and M.A. Bradford. 2019. Field experiments show contradictory short- and long-term myrmecochorous plant impacts on seed-dispersing ants. Ecological Entomology 44: 30-39. PDF Google Scholar
Ohyama, L.**, J.R. King and D.G. Jenkins. 2018. Diversity and distribution of Solenopsis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) thief ants belowground. Myrmecological News 27: 47-57. PDF Google Scholar
- Leo’s article has received some great commentary: Myrmecological News blog
King, J.R., R.J. Warren, D.S. Maynard and M.A. Bradford. 2018. Ants: ecology and impacts in dead wood. In Saproxylic Insects (M. Ulyshen, ed.). pp. 237-262. Springer International Publishing AG, Cham, Switzerland. PDF Google Scholar
Warren, R.J., J.R. King, C. Tarsa, B. Haas, and J. Henderson. 2017. A systematic review of context bias in invasion biology. PLoS ONE 12(8): e0182502 PDF Google Scholar
Tschinkel, W.R. and J.R. King. 2017. Abiotic and biotic factors limiting colony founding success for the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta. Functional Ecology 31: 955-964. PDF Google Scholar
Warren, R.J., J.R. King, L.D. Chick, and M.A. Bradford. 2017. Global change impacts on ant-mediated seed dispersal in eastern North America. In Ant Plant Interactions: Impacts of Humans on Terrestrial Ecosystems (P.S. Oliveira and S. Koptur, eds.). pp. 93-111. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. Book Google Scholar
King, J.R. and W.R. Tschinkel. 2016. Experimental evidence that dispersal drives ant community assembly in human-altered ecosystems. Ecology 97: 236-249 PDF Google Scholar
King, J.R. 2016. Where do social insects fit into soil food webs? Soil Biology & Biochemistry 102: 55-62 PDF Google Scholar
Warren, R.J., A. McMillan, J.R. King, L. Chick and M.A. Bradford. 2015. Forest invader replaces predation but not dispersal services by a keystone species. Biological Invasions 17: 3153-3162. PDF Google Scholar
Maynard, D.S., T.W. Crowther, J.R. King, R.J. Warren, and M.A. Bradford. 2015. Temperate forest termite ecology in a changing climate. Ecological Entomology 40: 199-210. PDF Google Scholar
Bradford, M.A., R.J. Warren, S.A Wood, P. Baldrian, T.W. Crowther, D.S. Maynard, E.E. Oldfield, W.R. Wieder, S.A. Wood, and J.R. King. 2014. Climate fails to predict wood decomposition at regional scales. Nature Climate Change 4:625-630. PDF Supplementary Info Google Scholar
King, J.R., R.J. Warren, M.A. Bradford. 2013. Social insects dominate eastern US temperate hardwood forest macroinvertebrate communities in warmer regions. PLOS ONE 8(10): e75843. PDF Google Scholar
Tschinkel, W.R. and J.R. King. 2013.The role of habitat in the persistence of fire ant populations. PLOS ONE. 8(10): e78580 PDF Google Scholar
King, J.R. and W.R. Tschinkel. 2013. Experimental evidence for weak effects of fire ants in a naturally invaded pine-savanna ecosystem in north Florida. Ecological Entomology 38: 68-75. PDF Google Scholar
- Article commentary:
- Hill, J.K, R.B. Rosengaus, F.S. Gilbert and A.G. Hart. 2013. Invasive ants—are fire ants drivers of biodiversity loss? Ecological Entomology 38: 539. PDF
- Stuble, K.L., L.D. Chick, M.A. Rodriguez-Cabal, J.P. Lessard, N.J. Sanders. 2013. Fire ants are drivers of biodiversity loss: a reply to King and Tschinkel (2013) Ecological Entomology 38: 540–542. PDF
- King, J.R., W.R. Tschinkel. 2013. Fire ants are not drivers of biodiversity change: a response to Stuble et al. (2013) Ecological Entomology 38: 543–545. PDF Google Scholar
Clark, R.** and J.R. King. 2012. The ant, Aphaenogaster picea, benefits from plant elaiosomes when insect prey is scarce. Environmental Entomology 41:1405-1408. PDF Google Scholar
Tschinkel W.R., T. Murdock, J.R. King, and C. Kwapich. 2012. Ant distribution in relation to ground water in north Florida pine flatwoods. Journal of Insect Science 12:114. PDF Google Scholar
King, J.R. 2010. Size-abundance relationships in Florida ant communities reveal how social insects break the energetic equivalence rule. Ecological Entomology 35: 287-298. PDF, Supporting Info. Google Scholar
King, J.R., W.R. Tschinkel, and K.G. Ross. 2009. A case study of human exacerbation of the invasive species problem: transport and establishment of polygyne fire ants in Tallahassee, Florida, USA. Biological Invasions 11: 373-377. PDF Google Scholar
King, J.R. and W.R. Tschinkel. 2008. Experimental evidence that human impacts drive fire ant invasions and ecological change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA. 105: 20339-20343. PDF, Supporting info. Google Scholar
King, J.R. 2007. Patterns of co-occurrence and body size overlap among ants in Florida’s upland ecosystems. Annales Zoologici Fennici 44: 189-201. PDF Google Scholar
King, J.R. and S.D. Porter. 2007. Body size, colony size, abundance, and ecological impact of exotic ants in Florida’s upland ecosystems. Evolutionary Ecology Research 9: 757-774. PDF Google Scholar
King, J.R. and J.C. Trager. 2007. Natural history of the slave making ant, Polyergus lucidus, sensu lato and its three Formica pallidefulva group hosts in northern Florida. Journal of Insect Science 7: 42. PDF Google Scholar
King, J.R. and W.R. Tschinkel. 2007. Range expansion and local population increase of the exotic ant, Pheidole obscurithorax, in the southeastern United States. Florida Entomologist 90: 435-439. PDF Google Scholar
Tschinkel, W.R. and J.R. King. 2007. Targeted removal of ant colonies in ecological experiments, using hot water. Journal of Insect Science 7: 41. PDF Google Scholar
King, J.R. and W.R. Tschinkel. 2006. Experimental evidence that the introduced fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, does not competitively suppress co-occurring ants in a disturbed habitat. Journal of Animal Ecology 75: 1370-1378. PDF Google Scholar
King, J.R. and S.D. Porter. 2005. Evaluation of sampling methods and species richness estimators for ants in upland ecosystems in Florida. Environmental Entomology 34: 1566-1578. PDF Google Scholar
King, J.R. and S.D. Porter. 2004. Recommendations on the use of alcohol for the killing and preservation of ant specimens (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Insectes Sociaux 51: 197-202. PDF Google Scholar
Morrison, L.W. and J.R. King. 2004. Host location behavior in a parasitoid of imported fire ants. Journal of Insect Behavior 17: 367-383. PDF Google Scholar
King, J.R., Andersen, A.N. and Cutter, A.D. 1998. Ants as bioindicators of habitat disturbance: validation of the functional group model for Australia’s humid tropics. Biodiversity & Conservation 7: 1627-1638. PDF Google Scholar
Book Reviews
King, J.R. and J.C. Trager. 2012. Book review of Ellison et al.’s: A field guide to the ants of New England. Myrmecological News. PDF
Environmentally safe insect control system
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* undergraduate student co-author
**graduate student co-author