
Publication and Citation Record in Google Scholar (total citations: >7,000;  h-Index: 37)

August 2014-present

61. Xi, Z.; Wei, K.; Wang, Q.; Kim, M.J.; Sun, S.; Fung, V.;* Xia, X.* Nickel–Platinum Nanoparticles as Peroxidase Mimics with a Record High Catalytic Efficiency. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2021, 143, 2660–2664. (It was highlighted as one of the journal supplementary covers; it was reported by UCF Today) [Article Link]

60. Gao, Z.; Shao, S.; Gao, W.; Tang, D.; Tang, D.; Zou, S.; Kim, M.J.; Xia, X.* Morphology-Invariant Metallic Nanoparticles with Tunable Plasmonic Properties. ACS Nano, 2021, 15,  2428–2438. [Article Link]

59. Xi, Z.; Cheng, X.; Gao, Z.; Wang, M.; Cai, T.; Muzzio, M.; Davidson, E.; Chen, O.; Jung, Y.; Sun, S.; Xu, Y.;* Xia, X.* Strain effect in palladium nanostructures as nanozymes. Nano Letters, 2020, 20, 272–277. [Article Link]

58. Gao, Z.; Ye, H.; Wang, Q.; Kim, M.; Tang, D.; Xi, Z.; Wei, Z.; Shao, S.; Xia, X.* Template regeneration in galvanic replacement: A route to highly diverse hollow nanostructures. ACS Nano, 2020, 14, 791–801[Article Link]

57. Wei, Z.; Xi, Z.; Vlasov, S.; Ayala, J.; Xia, X.* Nanocrystals of Platinum-Group Metals as Peroxidase Mimics for in Vitro Diagnostics. Chemical Communications, 2020, 56, 14962–14975. (invited Feature Article) [Article Link]

Nanocrystals of Platinum-Group Metals as Peroxidase Mimics for in Vitro Diagnostics

56. Xi, Z.; Gao, W.; Xia, X.* Size effect in Pd‐Ir core‐shell nanoparticles as nanozymes. ChemBioChem, 2020, 21, 2440–2444. (invited article, Special Issue on Inorganic Enzyme Mimics) [Article Link]

55. Wang, M.; Shawkat, M.S.; Xi, Z.; Xia, X.; Lee, K.S.; Son, D.I.; Bae, T.; Ryu, H.I.; Chung, H.;* Jung, Y.* Controllable synthesis of platinum diselenide (PtSe2) inorganic fullerene. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8, 18925–18932. [Article Link]

54. Davidson, E.; Xi, Z.; Gao, Z.; Xia, X.* Ultrafast and sensitive colorimetric detection of ascorbic acid with Pd-Pt core-shell nanostructure as peroxidase mimic. Sensors International, 2020, 1, 100031. (invited article, Special Issue on Nanoparticles and Nanostructures for Sensing and Diagnostic Applications) [Article Link]

53. Wang, Y.; Gao, Z.; Liu, B.; Xia, X.* Peroxidase-AgAu hybrid nanocages as signal transducers for sensitive plasmonic colorimetric sensing. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2019, 7, 15179–15187. (Back cover story; highlighted as one of the 2019 JMC C HOT Papers) [Article Link]

52. Wang, Y.; Biby, A.; Xi, Z.; Liu, B.; Rao, Q.; Xia, X.* One-pot synthesis of single-crystal palladium nanoparticles with controllable sizes for applications in catalysis and biomedicine. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2019, 2, 4605–4612. [Article Link]

51. Ye, H.; Xi, Z.; Magloire, K.; Xia, X.* Noble‐metal nanostructures as highly efficient peroxidase mimics. ChemNanoMat, 2019, 5, 860–868. (invited Mini Review) [Article Link]

50. Xi, Z.; Ye, H.; Xia, X.* Engineered noble-metal nanostructures for in vitro diagnostics. Chemistry of Materials, 2018, 30, 8391–8414. (“Up-and-Coming” Series of perspective) [Article Link]

49. Ye, H.; Xia, X.* Enhancing the sensitivity of colorimetric lateral flow assay (CLFA) through signal amplification techniques. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2018, 6, 7102–7111. (for the 2018 Emerging Investigators special issue) [Article Link]

48. Wan, S.; Wang, Q.; Ye, H.; Kim, M. J.;* Xia, X.* Pd-Ru bimetallic nanocrystals with a porous structure and their enhanced catalytic properties. Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 2018, 35, 1700386. (invited article for a special issue on Bimetallic Nanoparticles) [Article Link]

47. Gao, Z.; Ye, H.; Tang, D.; Tao, J.; Habibi, S.; Minerick, A.; Tang, D.; Xia, X.* Platinum decorated gold nanoparticles with dual functionalities for ultrasensitive colorimetric in vitro diagnostics. Nano Letters, 2017, 17, 5572–5579. (It was highlighted by the NSF Science 360 News as a top story on 9.14.2017) [Article Link] [NSF news highlight]

46. Li, J.; Gao, Z.; Ye, H.; Wan, S.; Pierce, M.; Tang, D.; Xia, X.* A non-enzyme cascade amplification strategy for colorimetric assay of disease biomarkers. Chemical Communications, 2017, 53, 9055–9058. (Cover feature. It was also highlighted as a hot article) [Article Link] [Link to cover] [Link to hot article highlight]

45. Ye, H.; Yang, K.; Tao, J.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, Q.; Habibi, S.; Nie, Z.; Xia, X.* An enzyme-free signal amplification technique for ultrasensitive colorimetric assay of disease biomarkers. ACS Nano, 2017, 11, 2052–2059. [Article Link]

44. Gao, Z.; Liu, G.G.; Ye, H.; Rauschendorfer, R.; Tang, D.; Xia, X.* Facile colorimetric detection of silver ions with picomolar sensitivity. Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89, 3622–3629. [Article Link]

43. Ye, H.; Liu, Y.; Chhabra, A.; Lilla, E.; Xia, X.* Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)-capped Pt nanocubes with superior peroxidase-like activity. ChemNanoMat, 2017, 3, 33–38. (Invited article; It was highlighted as a Back Cover) [Article Link]

42. Xia, Y.; Gilroy, K.D.; Peng, H.-C.; Xia, X. Seed-mediated growth of colloidal metal nanocrystals. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2017, 56, 60–95. [Article Link]

41. Ye, H.; Wang, Q.; Catalano, M.; Lu, N.; Vermeylen, J.; Kim, M.; Liu, Y.; Sun, Y.; Xia, X.* Ru nanoframes with an fcc structure and enhanced catalytic properties. Nano Letters, 2016, 16, 2812–2817. (It was highlighted by C&EN News in the issue of March 28, 2016 and DOE Office of Science on April 4, 2016) [PDF] [Article Link] [C&EN highlight]

40. Ye, H.; Mohar, J.; Wang, Q..; Catalano, M.; Kim, M.; Xia, X.* Peroxidase-like properties of Ruthenium nanoframes. Science Bulletin, 2016, 61, 1739–1745. (Invited research article; It was highlighted as the cover story) [PDF] [Article Link]

39. Xia, X.;* Zhang, J.; Lu, N.; Kim, M.; Ghale, K.; Xu, Y.; McKenzie, E.; Liu, J.; Ye, H. Pd-Ir core-shell nanocubes: A type of highly efficient and versatile peroxidase mimic. ACS Nano, 2015, 9, 9994–10004. (It was reported by Michigan Tech, and highlighted by DOE Office of Sciences and many other news media) [PDF] [Article Link]

38. Xia, Y.; Xia, X.; Peng, H.-C. Shape-controlled synthesis of colloidal metal nanocrystals: thermodynamic versus kinetic products. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2015, 137, 7947–7966. [PDF] [Article Link]

37. Xia, X.;* Zhang, J.; Sawall, T. A simple colorimetric method for the quantification of Au(III) ions and its use in quantifying Au nanoparticles. Analytical Methods, 2015, 7, 3671–3675. [PDF] [Article Link]

36. Choi, S.-I.; Herron, J. A.; Scaranto, J.; Huang, H.; Wang, Y.; Xia, X.; Lv, T.; Park, J.; Peng, H.; Xia, Y. A comprehensive study of formic acid oxidation on palladium nanocrystals with different types of facets and twin defects. ChemCatChem, 2015, 7, 2077–2084. [PDF] [Article Link]


35. Xia, X.; Figueroa-Cosme, L.; Tao, J.; Peng, H.-C.; Niu, G.; Zhu, Y.; Xia, Y. Facile synthesis of iridium nanocrystals with well-controlled facets using seed-mediated growth. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2014, 136, 10878–10881. [PDF] [Article Link]

34. Xia, X.; Xia, Y. Gold nanocages as multifunctional materials for nanomedicine. Frontiers of Physics 2014, 9, 378–384. [PDF] [Article Link]

33. Moran, C. H.; Rycenga, M.; Xia, X.; Cobley, C. M.; Xia, Y. Using well-defined Ag nanocubes as substrates to quantify the spatial resolution and penetration depth of SERS imaging. Nanotechnology 2014, 25, 014007. [Article Link]

32. Xu, Y.; Liu, Y.; Wu, Y.; Xia, X.; Liao, Y.; Li, Q. Fluorescent probe-based lateral flow assay for multiplex nucleic acid detection. Analytical Chemistry 2014, 86, 5611–5614. [Article Link]

31. Xia, X.; Xie, S.; Liu, M.; Peng, H.-C.; Lu, N.; Wang, J.; Kim, M. J.; Xia, Y. On the role of surface diffusion in determining the shape or morphology of noble-metal nanocrystals. Proceedings oftheNational Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS) 2013, 110, 6669–6673. (It was highlighted in C&EN News, April 15, 2013, and many other news media) [PDF] [Article Link]

30. Xia, X.; Choi, S. I.; Herron, J. A.; Lu, N.; Scaranto, J.; Peng, H.-C.; Wang, J.; Mavrikakis, M.; Kim, M. J.; Xia, Y. Facile synthesis of Pd right bipyramids and their use as seeds for overgrowth and as catalysts for formic acid oxidation. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013, 135, 15706–15709. [PDF] [Article Link]

29. Xia, X.; Wang, Y.; Ruditskiy, A.; Xia, Y. 25th anniversary article: galvanic replacement: a simple and versatile route to hollow nanostructures with tunable and well-controlled properties.. Advanced Materials 2013, 25, 6313–6333 (For the 25th anniversary issue of Advanced Materials) [PDF] [Article Link]

28. Xia, X.; Rycenga, M.; Qin, D.; Xia, Y. A silver nanocube on a gold microplate as a well-defined and highly active substrate for SERS detection. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2013, 1, 6145–6150. [PDF] [Article Link]

27. Xia, X.; Li, W.; Zhang, Y.; Xia, Y. Silica-coated dimers of silver nanospheres as SERS tags for imaging cancer cells. Interface Focus 2013, 3, 20120092. [PDF] [Article Link]

26. Xia, Y.; Xia, X.; Wang, Y.; Xie, S. Shape-controlled synthesis of metal nanocrystals. MRS Bulletin 2013, 38, 335–344. (Invited review article) [Article Link]

25. Peng, H.-C.; Xie, S.; Park, J.; Xia, X.; Xia, Y. Quantitative analysis of the coverage density of Br ions on Pd{100} facets and its role in controlling the shape of Pd nanocrystals. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013, 135, 3780–3783. [Article Link]

24. Xia, X.; Xu, Y.; Ke, R.; Zhang, H.; Yang, W.; Zou, M.; Li, Q. A highly sensitive europium nanoparticle-based lateral flow immunoassay for detection of chloramphenicol residue. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2013, 405, 7541–7544. [PDF] [Article Link]

23. Choi, S. I.; Xie, S.; Shao, M.; Odell, J. H.;  Lu, N.; Peng, H.-C.; Protsailo, L.; Guerrero, S.; Park. J.; Xia, X.; Wang, J.; Kim, M. J.; Xia, Y. Synthesis and characterization of 9-nm Pt-Ni octahedra with a record high activity of 3.3 A/mgPt for the oxygen reduction reaction. Nano Letters 2013, 13, 3420–3425. (highlighted at [Article Link]

22. Wang, Y.; Wan, D.; Xie, S.; Xia, X.; Huang, C. Z.; Xia, Y. Synthesis of silver octahedra with controlled sizes and optical properties via seed-mediated growth. ACS Nano 2013, 7, 4586–4594. [Article Link]

21. Wang, Y.; Liu, Y.; Luehman, H.; Xia, X.; Wan, D.; Cutler, C.; Xia, Y. Radioluminescent Au nanocages with controlled radioactivity for real-time multimodality imaging. Nano Letters 2013, 13, 581–585. [Article Link]

20. Wan, D.; Xia, X.; Wang, Y.; Xia, Y. Robust synthesis of gold cubic nanoframes through a combination of galvanic replacement, gold deposition, and silver dealloying. Small 2013, 9, 3111–3117. [Article Link]

19. Moran, C. H.; Xia, X.; Xia, Y. Improving correlated SERS measurements with scanning electron microscopy: An assessment of the problem arising from the deposition of amorphous carbon. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2013, 15, 5400–5406. [Article Link]

18. Xie, S.; Choi, S.-I; Xia, X.; Xia, Y. Catalysis on faceted noble-metal nanocrystals: Both shape and size matter. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 2013, 2, 142–150. (Invited review article) [Article Link]

17. Xia, X.; Xia, Y. Symmetry breaking during seeded growth of nanocrystals. Nano Letters 2012, 12, 6038–6042. [PDF] [Article Link]

16. Zhang, Q.; Moran, C. H.; Xia, X.; Rycenga, M.; Li, N.; Xia, Y. Synthesis of Ag nanobars in the presence of single-crystal seeds and a bromide compound, and their SERS properties. Langmuir 2012, 28, 9047–9054. [Article Link]

15. Xia, X.; Zeng, J.; Zhang, Q.; Moran, C. H.; Xia, Y. Recent developments in shape-controlled synthesis of silver nanocrystals. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2012, 116, 21647–21656. (Feature Article. It was highlighted on the cover) [PDF] [Article Link]

14. Xia, X.; Yang, M.; Wang, Y.; Zheng, Y.; Li, Q.; Chen, J.; Xia, Y. Quantifying the coverage density of poly(ethylene glycol) chains on the surface of gold nanostructures. ACS Nano 2012, 6, 512–522. [PDF] [Article Link]

13. Xia, X.;# Zeng, J.;# Otejen, L. K.; Li, Q.; Xia, Y. Quantitative analysis of the role played by poly(vinylpyrrolidone) in seed-mediated growth of silver nanocrystals. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2012, 134, 1793–1801. [PDF] [Article Link]

12. Wang, Y.; Liu, Y.; Luehman, H.; Xia, X.; Brown, P. K.; Jarreau, C.; Welch, M. J.; Xia, Y. Evaluating the pharmacokinetics and in vivo cancer targeting capability of Au nanocages by positron emission tomography imaging. ACS Nano 2012, 6, 5880–5888. [Article Link]

11. Wang, Y.; Xu, J.; Xia, X.; Yang, M.; Vangveravong, S.; Chen, J.; Mach, R. H.; Xia, Y. SV119-gold nanocage conjugates: A new platform for targeting cancer cells via sigma-2 receptors. Nanoscale 2012, 4, 421–424. [Article Link]

10. Zhou, Y.;#Xia, X.;# (#equal contribution) Xu, Y.; Ke, W.; Y, Wei.; Li, Q. Application of Eu(III) chelates-bonded silica nanoparticles in time-resolved immunofluorometric detection assay for human thyroid stimulating hormone. Analytica Chimica Acta 2012, 722, 95–99. [Article Link]

9. Zeng, J.; Xia, X.; Zhang, Q.; Wang, Y.; Xia, Y. Controlling the evolution of cubic Ag seeds into nanocrystals with different morphologies. Scientia Sinica Chimica 2012, 42, 1505–1512. (Invited review article) [Article Link]

8. Xia, X.; Zeng, J.; McDearmon, B.; Zheng, Y.; Li, Q.; Xia, Y. Silver nanocrystals with concave surfaces and their optical and surface-enhanced Raman scattering properties. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2011, 50, 12542–12546. (It was highlighted on the inside cover) [PDF] [Article Link]

7. Zeng, J.;#Xia, X.;# (#equal contribution) Rycenga, M.; Henneghan, P.; Li, Q.; Xia, Y. Successive deposition of silver on silver nanoplates: Lateral versus vertical growth. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2011, 50, 244–249. (It was selected by the editors as a VIP article, it was also highlighted on the frontispieces and in an accompanying article published in the same journal, 2011, 50, 992–993) [PDF] [Article Link]

6. Rycenga, M.;#Xia, X.;# (#equal contribution) Moran, C.; Zhou, F.; Qin, D.; Li, Z.-Y.; Xia, Y. Generation of hot spots with silver nanocubes for single-molecule detection by surface-enhanced Raman scattering. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2011, 50, 5473–5477. (It was highlighted as a hot paper) [PDF] [Article Link]

5. Xia, X.; Yang, M.; Oetjen, L. K.; Zhang, Y.; Li, Q.; Chen. J.; Xia, Y. An enzyme-sensitive probe for photoacoustic imaging and fluorescence detection of protease activity. Nanoscale 2011, 3, 950–953. (It was highlighted as a hot paper) [PDF] [Article Link]

4. Xia, Y.; Li, W.; Cobley, C. M.; Chen, J.; Xia, X.; Zhang, Q.; Yang, M.; Cho, E. C.; Brown, P. K. Gold Nanocages: from synthesis to theranostic applications. Accounts of Chemical Research 2011, 44, 914–924. (Invited review article, it was also highlighted in C&EN News) [Article Link]

3. Ke, R.; Yang, W.; Xia, X.; Xu, Y.; Li, Q. Tandem conjugation of enzyme and antibody on silica nanoparticle for enzyme immunoassay. Analytical Biochemistry 2010, 406, 8–13. [Article Link]

2. Zhang, H.; Xia, X.; Li, W.; Zeng, J.; Dai, Y.; Yang, D.; Xia, Y. Facile synthesis of five-fold, starfish-like rhodium nanocrystals by eliminating oxidative etching with a chloride-free precursor. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2010, 49, 5296–5300. [Article Link]

1. Xia, X.; Xu, Y.; Zhao, X.; Li, Q. Lateral flow immunoassay using europium chelate-loaded silica nanoparticles as labels. Clinical Chemistry 2009, 55, 179–182. [PDF] [Article Link]