
Current Funding:

  1. Xia, X. (PI), “CAREER: Engineering bimetallic nanostructures as peroxidase mimics for diagnostic applications”, Agency: Macromolecular, Supramolecular and Nanochemistry Program, Division of Chemistry, NSF (Award# 1651307). Amount: $457,783. Duration: 01/2017–01/2022.
  2. Xia, X. (PI); Zou, S.; Kim, M. J. (co-PIs), “A General and Robust Route to Highly Diverse Hollow Nanostructures with New Properties”. SSMC Program, Division of Materials Research, NSF (Award# 2004546). Amount: $475,000. Duration: 06/2020–05/2023.
  3. Xia, X. (PI); Rao, Q. (co-PI), “Simple and Sensitive Immunodetection of Animal-Derived Adulterants in Foods Using Catalytic Nanoparticles”. Nanotechnology Program, National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), USDA (Award# 2020-67021-31257). Amount: $490,000. Duration: 09/2020–08/2023.
  4. Xia, X. (PI), “Collaborative research: An enzyme-free amplification technique for ultrasensitive ELISA of disease biomarkers”. Biosensing Program, CEBT Division, NSF (Award# 1804525). Amount: $212,425. Duration: 09/2018–08/2021.
  5. Khondaker S. (PI), Gesquiere, A.; Xia, X.; Banerjee, P.; Tetard, L (co-PIs), “MRI: Acquisition of a Confocal and Tip-Enhanced Raman and Photoluminescence Microscope”, Agency: Division of Materials Research, NSF (Award# 1920050). Amount: $424,900. Duration: 09/2019–08/2021.


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