Volume 1

neighborhood-driventNeighborhood-Driven Policing:

Volume 1 of the Proceedings of the Futures Working Group

Edited by Carl J. Jensen III & Bernard Levin

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Edited by Carl J. Jensen III & Bernard Levin

A Word from the Chairman

Carl J. Jensen III

Preface to “A Proposal for an Enlarged Range of Policing: Neighborhood-Driven Policing (NDP)

Richard W. Myers

A Proposal for an Enlarged Range of Policing: Neighborhood-Driven Policing (NDP)

Bernard H. Levin and Richard W. Myers

Neighborhood-Driven Policing (NDP): Some Thoughts

Carl J. Jensen III

Windmills as Ogres, Communities as Chimeras: Several Thoughts on Neighborhood-Driven Policing

Michael Buerger

Comments on Levin’s and Myers’ Article “A Proposal for an Enlarged Range of Policing: Neighborhood-Driven Policing (NDP)

Lou Mayo

Network Centric Policing: Alternative or Augmentation to the Neighborhood-Driven Policing Model?

Thomas J. Cowper

Response to: “A Proposal for an Enlarged Range of Policing: Neighborhood-Driven Policing (NDP)

Gene Stephens

Historical Perspectives: The Evolution of Community Policing from its Origins in the United Kingdom

Alan Beckley

Future Perspectives: Going Local: A History of the Future of the Police

Lucy Harrad