Australasian Centre for Policing Research (ACPR)-Crime Trends//Future Studies
Acceleration Studies Foundation
Center for Strategic and International Studies
Institute for Alternative Futures
Law Enforcement Forecasting Group
National Human Genome Research Institute
Futures Research Academic Programs
Hawaii Research Center for Futures Studies (HRCFS)
Regent University Futures Studies Concentration
University of Advancing Technology
FBI Counterterrorism/Weapons of Mass Destruction Training Links
FBI: Terrorism in the United States
Office for Domestic Preparedness (ODP)
U. S. Department of State: Patterns of Global Terrorism
Woodward, John D. Jr. (2001) “Super Bowl Surveillance: Facing Up to Biometrics” RAND Corporation
Non-state actors and their significance
Bureau of Economic Analysis: U.S. Department of Commerce Statistical Information
National Consortium for Justice Information and Statistics
National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST): NIST and the Law Enforcement Community
Preventing Crime: What Works, What Doesn’t, What’s Promising
PFI Newsletter Articles (Partial Listing)
Visit the Police Futurists website.
Beckley, Alan “Human Rights and Policing in Poland” Spring, 2001
Levin, Bernard H “The Data Mine: Religion” March, 2000
Levin, Bernard H. “The Data Mine: Trends in Education and Where They Are Leading” Fall, 1999
Levin, Bernard H. “The Data Mine: Unwanted Children and Community Policing” June, 2000
“Lying, Cheating, Stealing with Computers-Who You Gonna Call?” Fall, 1999
Pettinari, Dave “Cyberstalking: Prevention & Investigation” Spring, 2001
Pettinari, Dave “From the President— Preparing to Investigate Hackers” March, 2000
Pettinari, Dave “Y not Y2K?: Is Law Enforcement Prepared for the Millennium?” Fall, 1999
PFI “Think Tankers” “A Peacekeeping Attitude” June, 2000
Stephens, Gene “From the Ivory Tower: Caroline Nicholl-A Force of Nature” June, 2000
Stephens, Gene “From the Ivory Tower: ‘Get Tough’ or ‘Get Smart’: Which Way in New Administration?” Spring, 2001
Stephens, Gene “From the Ivory Tower: Thinking About 21st Century ‘Protecting and Serving” March, 2000
Tafoya, William “From the Founder-‘Lost Sheep'” March, 2000
“Visioning 21st Century Crime & Justice” Fall, 1999