MCM announcement

Below is the announcement sent by Dr. Shuai to math majors; it contains information about the competition and has a few links.

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New events for Jan 25th and Jan 27th (Updated)

Our first general body meeting will be on Friday, January 27 from 4:30pm-5:30pm in MSB 153!

We will go over plans and goals for the semester and hold an election for the secretary officer position. After the meeting, we will have a game night from 6:00pm-8:00pm in MSB 113! We hope to see you there! Don’t forget that we also have a LaTeX workshop tomorrow, January 25 from 5:00pm-6:00pm in MSB 110!

Important welcome back announcement

I have linked two google forms below: the first is to gather information about when club members will be available to meet in the spring semester. This will allow us to choose a meeting time that works for as many people as possible. Like last semester, we plan to hold meetings sometime in the afternoon on Fridays. In addition, Dr. Robert Jenkins is interested in giving a talk this semester to the club. This form includes an optional question that will help him plan for this presentation.


We are also interested in getting funding from Student Government for the club to travel to the American Mathematical Society Southeastern Sectional Meeting on March 18-19, 2023 at Georgia Tech (in Atlanta). This is a really great opportunity for anyone interested in mathematics research. The purpose of the second form is to gather information from members who are interested in going. This will help us when we approach Student Government for funding early this spring semester. This form does NOT commit you to going if we receive funding. However, if you complete this form and learn that you cannot go, let us know. Be aware that Student Government might not cover some travel/food expenses, and there will likely be a small due to help pay for drivers. We will have more information on this closer to the conference. If you are interested, please try to submit this form ASAP!

Let us know if you have any questions!

Meeting time form:
Conference travel form:
Conference website:


Math department Colloquium happening friday (01/13)

The official math department colloquium tea time is as at 10:00am tomorrow and the colloquium is at 11:00am

its happening at GTA lounge room, Room 201

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Upcoming seminars next week on Wedneday (01/18) in MSB 318

Algebra Seminar: Wednesday 10:30 -11:30 am (currently private, will update when public)

Discrete Seminar: Wednesday  12:30 -1:30

Numerical Seminar: Wednesday  2:00 -3:00


above are the current times for the math department seminars (these are run independently of CMS but may be of interest to many of you).

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REU workshop on Monday, November 28 at 4:30pm in MSB 110

The purpose is to give info about summer research experience for undergraduates (REU) programs to students interested in doing one this summer, as a few members wanted this.

Official CMS game night, Friday (11/18) – 6pm @HEC 356

Join us after our General Body Meeting for a Game Night! Feel free to bring any games to play. It will be held in HEC Rm 356 from 6:00pm-9:00pm.

Dr. Reid Putnam Competition Practice , Thursday, Nov 17 , MSB 318 @ 5:00

Dr. Reid will have his next Putnam Competition practice meeting on Thursday, November 17 in MSB 318 at 5:00pm!

Next GBM taking place on Nov 18, HS1 119 @ 4:30

Our next general body meeting will be on Friday, November 18 in HS1 119 at 4:30pm! Dr. Barry Griffiths will come in and talk about study abroad, graduate school, and career opportunities in math! He may also cover additional topics depending on the interest of members. We hope to see you there!


No club meeting this week, But 3 seminars coming up soon!

check them out at the seminars tab