Graduate School Admissions Workshop ft. Dr. Jennifer Parham

Dr. Jennifer Parham, an advisor for graduate school, presented on the graduate school admissions process, from how it’s done to neat tips and tricks to help applications get further.


Scavenger Hunt Meet and Greet

Members started off the new semester with some new found friends with a scavenger hunt around the Mathematical Sciences building at UCF. In teams of 2 to 3, teammates raced to solve problems and earned prizes!


Meeting Time Doodle

Hi everyone!

The link below leads to the Doodle we will use to agree on the meeting time for this semester. Please follow the link and select the times you would be available to attend CMS meetings.

Keep in mind the meetings will be held three times a month this semester, as opposed to the bi-weekly meetings we held in the past.


Math in Music

Math in Computer Science and Machine Learning

JMM Reason for going DUE DATE CHANGED

Hey guys

For the Joint Mathematical Meeting: Darren mentioned before that we require you send a word document with the information below, but the deadline has changed. Please submit your documents Thursday at Midnight by emailing the document to

1. Name, PID, NID
2. Expected Graduation Date/Time
3. Major
4. (¡IMPORTANT!) A paragraph or two why you wish to attend the conference
5. Where you are flying from to Seattle (January 5th) and where you are flying back to after the trip (January 9th)

Research and Grad School


Past Problems of the Week

Problem 03-27-2015

Problem 02-26-2015

Problem 03-13-2015

Combinatorics and Rubik’s Puzzles

Math Modeling