Fall 2024 – present
Fall 2023
- MAD4203 Introduction to Combinatorics (MW 1:30pm-2:50am in MSB 108)
- MAC2312.0005 Calculus II (MTWR 11:30am-12:20pm in HS126)
Spring 2023
- MAD4301 Introduction to Graph Theory (TuTh 1:30-2:50pm in CB1 103, two sections with 68 students)
Fall 2022
- MAD4203 Introduction to Combinatorics (TuTh 10-11:20am in MSB 407)
- MAD5205 Graph Theory I (TuTh 1:30-2:50pm in HEC 119)
Spring 2022
- MAD4301 Introduction to Graph Theory (TuTh 1:30-2:50pm in MSB 109)
Fall 2021
- MAD4203 Introduction to Combinatorics (TuTh 9-10:20am in PSY 105, two sections combined with M modality) 60 Students
Spring 2021
- MAD6309 Graph Theory II (MW 10:30am-11:50am on Zoom)
Fall 2020
- MAD4203 Introduction to Combinatorics (TuTh noon-1:20pm via Zoom)
- MAD5205 Graph Theory I (TuTh 9:00am-10:20am via Zoom)
Fall 2019 – Spring 2020
Spring 2019
- MAC2311.0002 Calculus I (TuTh 1:30-2:50pm in CB2 201) 370 Students
- MAD4301 Introduction to Graph Theory (TuTh 4:30pm-5:50pm in MSB 406)
Fall 2018
- MAC2311.0001 Calculus I (TuTh 9:00-10:20am in CB2 201) 450 Students
- DLI 7836 (course redesign training)
Spring 2018
- MAS4301.0001 Abstract Algebra I (TuTh 1:30pm-2:50pm in MSB 204)
- MAD6309 Graph Theory II (TuTh 3:30pm-4:50pm in MSB 108)
Fall 2017
- MAS4301.0002 Abstract Algebra I (TuTh 3:00pm-4:20pm in MSB 406)
- MAD5205 Graph Theory I (TuTh 1:30pm-2:50pm in MSB 406)
Spring 2017
- MAC2311.0002 Calculus I (TuTh 1:30-2:50pm in CB2 101) 414 Students. This course was taught for the MATH-GAINS program, funded by NSF.
- MATH GAINS training
Fall 2016
- MAC2311.0002 Calculus I (TuTh 1:30-2:50pm in CB2 201) 439 Students. This course was taught for the MATH-GAINS program, funded by NSF.
- MAD4203 Introduction to Combinatorics (TuTh 9:00 -10:20am in MSB 405)
Spring 2016
- MAC2312.0305 Calculus II (TuTh 8:30 -10:20am in MSB 406)
- MAD6309 Graph Theory II (TuTh 3:30-4:50pm in MSB 204)
Fall 2015
- MAC2311.0301 Calculus I (TuTh 12:00-1:20pm in CB1 104) 287 Students. This course was taught for the EXCEL program, funded by NSF.
- MAD5205 Graph Theory I (TuTh 5:00pm-6:20pm in MSB 204)
Spring 2015
- MAD4301 Introduction to Graph Theory (MW 3:00 -4:20pm in MSB 109)
- MAD6309 Graph Theory II (MW 12:00-1:20pm in MSB 109)
Fall 2014
- MAC1105C.0601 College Algebra (MW 9:30 -10:50am in NSC 116)
- MAD5205 Graph Theory I (MW 12:00 -1:20pm in MSB 108)
Courses taught in the past:
University of Central Florida (since Fall 2005)
- MAD 6309 Graph Theory II
- MAD 5205 Graph Theory I
- MAS 5145 Advanced Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory
- MAD 4301 Introduction to Graph Theory
- MAD 4203 Introduction to Combinatorics
- MAS 4301 Abstract Algebra I
- MHF 3302 Logic and Proof
- MAP 2302 Ordinary Differential Equations
- MAC 2311 Calculus I (Honors; regular; Excel; MATH-Gains)
- MAC 2312 Calculus II (Honors, regular)
- MAC 2313 Calculus III (Honors, regular)
- MAC 1105c College Algebra (global)
The Ohio State University (Fall 2004 – Spring 2005)
- Special Topics for Graph Theory
- Honors Calculus I
Georgia Institute of Technology (Fall 2000 – Spring 2004)
- Combinatorics; Linear Algebra; Calculus and more.