
At this time, we do not have new Ph.D. or postdoctoral positions available. Circumstances may change, however. If you are interested to becoming part of our research thrust, and think you have the necessary skills and original ideas, feel free to reach out. If a matching position arises, we’ll notify you.

If you are an undergraduate student who is sailing through UCF theoretical courses, and you like the prospect of doing research in theoretical atomic, molecular, and optical sciences in general, and in theoretical attosecond science in particular, take a look at our research activities. If you are interested, feel free to contact us. We will be happy to meet with you to discuss reciprocal expectations. If the planets align, we can offer you to join us in research under the umbrella of a Directed Independent Research or Honors Undergraduate Thesis Program.

If you are a high-school student interested in doing research, check out our Outreach Page.