We are interested in identifying the unique chemical fingerprint of materials and mapping their chemical properties with nanoscale lateral resolution.

Our Team’s accomplishments
- 2019-2024: Our NSF CAREER grant will support the development of new schemes for nanoscale infrared spectroscopy and polarized infrared spectroscopy
- 2007-present: Explore the effect of multi-frequency AFM on the performance of nanoscale infrared spectroscopy

Related publications
- F.E. Torres-Davila, M. Molinari, R.G. Blair, N. Rochdi, L. Tetard, Enhancing Infrared Light–Matter Interaction for Deterministic and Tunable Nanomachining of Hexagonal Boron Nitride, NanoLetters, doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c02841, 2022
- H.J. Sharahi, M. Janmaleki, L. Tetard, S. Kim, H. Sadeghian, G.J. Verbiest, Acoustic subsurface-atomic force microscopy: Three-dimensional imaging at the nanoscale, Journal of Applied Physics, 129 (3), 030901, 2021 – Selected for cover page and Features Article
- A. S. Patri, B. Mostofian, Y. Pu, N. Ciaffone, M. Soliman, M. D. Smith, R. Kumar, X. Cheng, C. E. Wyman, L. Tetard, A. J. Ragauskas, J. C. Smith, L. Petridis, C. M. Cai, A multifunctional co-solvent pair reveals molecular principles of biomass deconstruction, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 141, 32, 12545-12557, 2019
- L. Tetard, A. Passian, R. H. Farahi, T. Thundat, B. H. Davison, Opto-nanomechanical spectroscopic material characterization, Nature Nanotechnology, 10, 870–877, 2015
- L. Tetard, A. Passian, S. Eslami, N. Jalili, R. H. Farahi, T. Thundat, Virtual resonance and frequency difference generation by van der Waals interaction, Physics Review Letters, 106, 180801, 2011