Category: Black Holes

July 14, 2021 / Black Holes
May 19, 2021 / Black Holes

We are kidding, neutrinos. We love you. You’re just a little bit scary! In this episode we discuss a way we’ll learn about the mysterious tiny particles and their interactions with matter, as well as…

April 28, 2021 / Astrophysics

A quackery of astroquarks takes a close look at neutron stars thanks to observations from the NICER observatory on the International Space Station and some clever scientific modeling that reveals these rapidly spinning stellar remnants…

March 31, 2021 / Black Holes

We explain the polarization of light in the context of the image of the black hole event horizon in M87 and take a new look at the interstellar object Oumuamua and what may have powered…

March 27, 2021 / Black Holes

A supermassive black hole seems to be going on a walkabout its own galaxy, and dust from Mars (or its moons) seems to be going on a walkabout the solar system. We explain how that’s…

March 17, 2021 / Black Holes

If space is the final frontier, where does it begin? That deceptively simple question is one of many topics the Astroquarks ponder in this episode, as well as unusual supernovae, and planets that recycle their…