Category: Cosmology

June 18, 2018 / Cosmology

The astroquarks have often wondered where all our alien friends are hanging out. Maybe they’re all just in a different universe? Well, most of those universes are probably duds, and anyway, we’ll never know! That’s…

March 11, 2018 / Astrophysics

This episode explores new ways to look at things, revealing the earliest stars to form in the universe, and a new, detailed map of the space around the supermassive black hole at the center of…

January 10, 2018 / Cosmology

Last year we witnessed the dawn of a new kind of astronomy with multiple detections of violent, energetic events in the universe not by the light they produce, but by the ripples they produced in…

January 10, 2018 / Astrophysics

Join the astroquarks for a look back at a remarkable year. There were lots of exciting discoveries in the cosmological realm to distract us from our more terrestrial concerns, and boy did we need them!…

May 26, 2017 / Cosmology
December 4, 2016 / Cosmology

The astroquarks examine new observations of the rate of expansion of the universe and its consequences for Dark Energy, the mysterious force that is causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate. That, and what…