ADDL PhD student Margaret Doheny was awarded the Richard Tucker Gerontology research grant from LIFE@UCF. Her project, entitled: The Effects of Digitally-mediated Communication on Social Decisions across Adulthood, investigates how social decisions differ through remote communication. The study will compare results from a group of older adults to a group […]
Read the Springer Nature “Behind the Paper” story on our recent paper in Scientific Reports. The blog post entitled, “Facing wolves in sheep’s clothing: How younger and older adults differ in trust-related decision-making and learning” can be found here.
Congratulations to incoming AD&D Lab Ph.D. student, Maggie Doheny, on earning a UCF Summer Mentoring Fellowship award! With funding support from Graduate Studies, Maggie will complete a summer research project before beginning graduate school. Maggie’s summer project study will use computational modeling to compare trust-related learning in social and non-social […]
The AD&D Lab recently received an Exploratory Research Award from the the UCF Office of Research. This seed funding will support a pilot project examining neural mechanisms of trust-related learning in aging. The project will test hypotheses from our recently developed CISDA model (Changes in Integration for Social Decisions Making […]
The AD&D lab put their brains together in “Professor Moriarty’s” escape room — setting a new record with their winning time (#nikkiandthebrainiacs) and celebrating the victory with lots of sugary treats. The lab capped off the day by surprising Dr. Lighthall with brain and tropical themed baby gifts and wishing […]
The tragedy that occurred in Orlando on Sunday June 12th weighs heavy on our hearts. Now and forever, our lab stands with UCF and the Orlando community as a place of respect and love for all people. For information about campus resources and events, such as blood drives and vigils, […]