AD&D Lab 2024 Spring Social
Dr. Nichole Lighthall is an Associate Professor of Psychology in the Human Factors and Cognitive Psychology Ph.D. program. She also serves as the Associate Director of the Human Factors and Cognitive Psychology Ph.D. program and a Faculty Fellow with the UCF Office of Research. She holds a B.A. in psychology from the UC Berkeley and a Ph.D. in gerontology from the University of Southern California. Before coming to UCF, Dr. Lighthall completed her postdoctoral training at Duke University in the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, with a postdoctoral fellowship from the Duke Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development. The goal of her research program is to develop a neural model of decision processing that can be used to identify age-related vulnerabilities and pathways to compensation. She is particularly interested in how age-related changes to cognitive and affective components of decision making impact decision processing and quality. Dr. Lighthall is also a Co-Director of the Scientific Research Network on Decision Neuroscience & Aging, Executive Committee member for the Florida Consortium on the Neurobiology of Cognition, director of the UCF Learning & Longevity Research Network participant registry for Orlando-area older adults, and member of the Global Young Academy (2023 inductee).
**Dr. Lighthall will be considering PhD student applicants during the 2024-2025 admission cycle. Applicants must apply to the UCF Human Factors & Cognitive Psychology Ph.D. program.
Courses Taught:
- Cognitive Psychology (undergraduate): EXP 3604 (formats: F2F, MM, W)
- Motivation & Emotion (undergraduate): EXP 3304 (formats: MM, W)
- Neuroanatomical Basis of Psychological Function (graduate): PSB 6348 (formats: F2F)
- Neuroimaging Design and Analysis Methods (graduate): PSB 6352 (formats: F2F)
phone: 407-823-2216
Shensheng Wang is a postdoc in the Adult Development and Decision Lab. Born and raised in Tianjin, China, Shensheng received his B.S. from Nankai University and his Ph.D. from Emory University, where he worked with Dr. Philippe Rochat on infant perceptual development. Shensheng’s research interests broadly lie in humanness perception, which encompasses both attributing human characteristics to nonhuman agents (e.g., anthropomorphism) and denying human traits to others (e.g., dehumanization). In collaboration with Dr. Nichole Lighthall, Shensheng is interested in examining neurocognitive processes that might underpin trust-related decision-making in aging and the extent to which these processes manifest differently in social and nonsocial contexts. Shensheng’s ResearchGate
Jordan Schotz is a fifth-year Ph.D. student in the Human Factors and Cognitive Psychology (HFC) program. He holds an M.A. in HFC from UCF and a B.A. in Psychology from Webster Vienna Private University. He aims to answer the question, “How are perceptions of trustworthiness and trust behavior influenced by the valence of visual cues across varying degres of humanness?” His research uses economic decision games and a set of facial stimuli he co-created (VAFSS) to dissociate the effect of human-like visual cues from human mind perception in social contexts. VAFSS provides visual representations of over 300 UCF students that range from photographs to cartoon-ized virtual representations, as well as accompanying demographic and social characteristics. After graduation, he plans to teach in academia at a liberal arts institution and improve access to research opportunities. Jordan’s LinkedIn

Shayna Soares is a fifth-year Ph.D. student in the Human Factors and Cognitive Psychology program. She obtained her B.S. in Psychology on the Neuroscience track from UCF in 2019 while working with Dr. Corey Bohil in the Classification and Decision Laboratory. Her primary research interests are in applying decision making and categorization theories to topics of a more political nature to provide a deeper understanding of political cognition issues (i.e., misinformation spread, increased polarization, and party label bias) as well as involving the use of neuroimaging techniques (fNIRS) to better understand the underlying neural correlates associated. Shayna’s LinkedInShayna’s ORCID

Maggie Doheny is a third-year Ph.D. student in the Human Factors and Cognitive Psychology program at UCF. In 2021, she graduated from the University of Alabama with a B.S. in Psychology and Neuroscience, and worked in Dr. Laura Morett’s N.E.R.D. Lab as an undergraduate research assistant. She then worked as a post-baccalaureate research assistant in Dr. Heather Risser’s Family CARE and Parenting Lab in the Psychiatry Department at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. Here at the Adult Development and Decision Lab, her research examines the cognitive and neural mechanisms that explain differences in social decision-making between remote and face-to-face interactions. Maggie’s LinkedInMaggie’s ORCID
Carla Leinbach is a 1st year PhD student in the College of Nursing. She holds an M.B.A. from Wake Forest University and a B.S. with Honors from Illinois State University Honors College. As Community Outreach Coordinator, she enjoys connecting with participants and developing partnerships across Florida. Carla’s research interests include motivation, cognitive reframing, and how neural-net-based Artificial Intelligence adoption impacts intrinsic motivation.
Lake Miller is a senior in the Burnett Honors College, majoring in Neuropsychology. He is currently working on his Honors in the Major Thesis: Adverse Childhood Experiences and Working Memory. His interests include neuroscience, neuropsychology, cognitive and behavioral psychology. He plans on pursuing a PhD in Neuroscience to explore the long-term effects of trauma and its influence on brain development.
Lindsay Conner is a project coordinator for the Florida consortium to reduce misinformation and exploitation in Alzheimer’s Disease (FL Dept. Health 22A10) and Characterizing and modulating neurocognitive processes of learning to trust and distrust in aging (NIH R01-AG072658) studies. Originally from Florida, she studied neuroscience at University of Miami, followed by a Master’s program in Biomedical Imaging at University of California, San Francisco. Her previous research delved into mapping the influence of age-related changes in functional recruitment and structural brain integrity on episodic memory and value processing across adulthood. In particular, Lindsay is interested in applying neuroimaging methods (e.g., task fMRI, rs-fMRI, MRI, DTI, PET) toward identifying biomarkers of cognitive decline and potential compensatory mechanisms across healthy aging relative to the early development of Alzheimer’s disease. Lindsay’s ORCiD Lindsay’s ResearchGate

Samantha Tyler is a Fall 2024 UCF Burnett Honors College graduate. She earned a Bachelor’s in Psychology, with a minor in Music. During the Summer 2024 semester, she received the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship from UCF and presented a poster at the UCF Summer Poster Showcase. In the future, she hopes to pursue graduate school to further her understanding of the field of psychology and get more hands-on experience. Her interests include sleep research, as well as social, developmental, and personality psychology.
Milena Alvarado Giler is a fourth-year student majoring in psychology on the neuroscience track. Her research interest includes behavioral neuroscience, imaging cognitive psychology and neuropsychology related to children. She plans to obtain a post-baccalaureate position before pursuing a PhD program.
Samantha Tun is a second-year medical student at the University of Central Florida College of Medicine. In 2021, she graduated from Columbia University with a B.A. in Neuroscience and Behavior and a minor in East Asian Languages and Culture. Before matriculating to med school, she worked as a research associate in the Fredericks Lab at Yale University for two years, investigating how advanced neuroimaging techniques can be used to understand how Alzheimer’s disease spreads across brain networks. Her interests at the Adult Developmental and Decision Lab include utilizing multimodal neuroimaging to better understand brain networks and understanding the neurological basis of executive function and emotional modulation.
Liana Santos graduated UCF in the Spring of 2024 with her Bachelors in the Health Sciences Pre-Clinical Track. Her research interests include cognitive decline, disparities in aging, Alzheimer’s disease, and disparities among vulnerable population groups. She plans to go to medical school and become a physician to help address the disparities and build strong, safe, relationships with those in vulnerable groups.
Jordan Sammarco is a graduate of UCF and the Burnett Honors College with a B.S. in Biomedical Sciences. She spent two years in the Classification and Decision Lab as a lab manager and conducted an honors thesis utilizing VR meditation and fNIRS. Her research interests include functional neuroimaging and the development of preventative interventions for neurological disease. She plans on pursuing a post baccalaureate training program followed by a Ph.D. in cognitive neuroscience.
Haily Follese is a senior at UCF majoring in Experimental Psychology with a minor in Cognitive Sciences. Her research interests include: decision-making, human-computer interaction (HCI), and the use of virtual avatars in these areas. She plans on pursuing a post-baccalaureate position as a researcher at a university before pursuing a Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology. Currently, Haily is heading a project titled “Virtual Avatar Facial Stimuli Set (VAFSS)”. For this project, Haily and fellow lab members are creating a valid facial stimuli set of college-aged students with photos that vary in the degree of humanness to be utilized in future research. This research has been funded by both the UCF Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) and the UCF Learning Institute for Elders (LIFE). Additionally, Haily has been an active contributor to an interdisciplinary study called “Digital Twins”, which aims to explore how learning and decision making is impacted when betrayal is committed by a close social partner. Haily’s LinkedIn
Bhargav Vyas is a third-year majoring in Biomedical Sciences and a student in the Burnett Honors College. His research interests are in human behaviors and human decision making. He is currently conducting research involving the use of Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Systems (fNIRS) and ambiguous decision making.
Ailliy Garcia is a fourth-year transfer student at UCF pursuing a degree in Biomedical Science with a certificate in Anthropology Global Health. Her research interests include cognitive neuroscience & neurocognitive disorders. She is currently working as a research assistant on the Florida consortium to reduce misinformation and exploitation in Alzheimer’s Disease project. Ailliy has plans on attending medical school to become a neurosurgeon.
Jasmine Dave is a junior at UCF. She is currently pursuing a double major in Biology and Psychology. Her research interests include neuropsychology and cognitive neuroscience. She plans on attending medical school after graduation to specialize in Neurology.
Nicolette Pelchat is a fourth-year student majoring in Clinical Psychology and minoring in Early Childhood Development and Education and Human Services. Her research interests include developmental psychology, personality, cognitive psychology, learning, memory, and aging. After graduating, she plans on pursuing an Ed.S in School Psychology.
Miranda Kraenzlin is a senior majoring in Psychology on the Neuroscience track and minoring in Cognitive Sciences. She works as a registered behavior technician providing therapy to children with autism and has a research interest in behavioral, developmental, and cognitive psychology. After graduation, she plans to work professionally before pursuing a Neuropsychology PhD program.
Maria Gonzalez is a senior studying psychology and pursuing a minor in biological anthropology at UCF. Her interests in research relate to bilingualism, language learning, aging, memory, and social cognition, as well as the interactions between environmental factors and cognitive performance. She is planning on pursuing a Cognitive Sciences Certificate after graduation. In the future, she wishes to obtain her Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology.
Leilani Cordoves is a junior at UCF majoring in Human Factors psychology with a minor in Statistics. Her research interests include misinformation and social trust when using new digital technologies such as video calling and artificial intelligence. After graduation, Leilani plans to enter a post-baccalaureate position before pursuing a doctoral degree. She is working under doctoral candidate Maggie Doheny on a project that analyzes decision-making with an in-person partner compared to a virtual partner. Leilani’s LinkedIn.
Hannah Mavres is a senior undergraduate student at UCF majoring in Psychology on the Clinical Track and supplementing her degree with a Behavioral Forensic Certificate. Her research interests include a wide range of clinical elements that deal with PTSD, attachments, anxiety, and forensic psychology. She is currently assisting with the Deciding Brains study. After graduating, she hopes to pursue a psychology doctoral program.
Kazi Salsabil is a fourth-year undergraduate student majoring in Psychology. Her research interests include biological and psychological processes of stress, trauma, psychological and mental debilitation associated with sleep, psychological and biological factors of aging, and more. After graduation, she plans to further her knowledge in the clinical and research field. Then, she plans to pursue a career in the medical field. Kazi’s LinkedIn.
Tavisha Singh is a second-year student majoring in psychology and anthropology. Her research interests include decision-making, memory, language acquisition, and human factors. After graduating, she plans to pursue a Ph.D. in cognitive psychology.
Kat Montgomery is a third-year psychology student. His research interests include the complexities of human connection. Specifically, how individuals interact, build relationships, and influence each other. After graduating, he plans on pursuing a Master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling and pursuing his research interests by exploring play therapy.
Juweyriyah Khurshid is a freshman in the Burnett Honors College majoring in Biomedical Sciences and minoring in Psychology. Her research interests are developmental, and clinical and cognitive psychology. Juweyriyah plans to go medical school after graduating and eventually work in pediatric neurology.
Anna Hubbard is a third-year psychology major on the neuroscience track with a minor in biology. Her research interests include the impacts of neurodegenerative diseases and traumatic brain injuries on psychological factors, including mood, attention, perception, and memory. After graduation, she plans on pursuing her Ph.D. in behavioral neuroscience and going into research.
Macey Murphy is a junior at UCF majoring in psychology on the clinical track. Her research interests include a broad range of topics in psychology such as etiology of human behavior and psychopathology. After graduation, Macey plans to obtain a post-baccalaureate position before pursuing a Ph.D in clinical psychology. She is currently working under doctoral candidate Maggie Doheny on a project that analyzes decision making with an in-person partner versus a virtual partner on Zoom.
Gaby Jimenez is a second-year undergraduate student in the Burnett Honors College majoring in psychology and minoring in cognitive sciences. Her research interests include cognitive psychology and neuroscience, with a focus on how cognitive processes- such as memory and decision-making- evolve across the lifespan and are impacted by neurodegenerative diseases. After graduating, Gaby plans to pursue a Ph.D. in cognitive psychology.
Christian Yam is a 3rd year psychology student at the University of Central Florida. His research interests include developmental psychology, technology/internet addiction, and the development of preventative measures and interventions for these issues. After graduating, Christian plans to pursue graduate school to gain further research and clinical experience.
Haley Flynn is a third-year psychology major at UCF. Her research interests include psychopharmacology, notably the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying the therapeutic effects of psilocybin on healthy individuals and those with substance use disorders. She plans on pursuing a Ph.D. in psychopharmacology after graduation.
Camila Coronado is a third year undergraduate student with a background in biochemistry, majoring in Clinical Psychology. Their research interests include developmental psychology from a neuroscience approach, neuroplasticity, and how certain external outputs are able to alter neural pathways within a brain, affecting cognition. She plans on pursuing a Ph.D. in neuroscience after graduation.
Sophia Sakakibara Capello is a senior undergraduate student at the University of Central Florida majoring in Psychology with a concentration in Neuroscience and minoring in Cognitive Sciences. She is a Burnett Honors Scholar and is currently completing her honors thesis on the factors influencing the attribution of consciousness to AI. Her research interests include embodied cognition, social cognition, consciousness modeling, human-computer interaction, and evolutionary neurobiology. She aims to pursue a Ph.D. in Cognitive Sciences after graduation.
Amanda Rodriguez is a third year undergraduate student at the University of Central Florida. She is a psychology major on the clinical track with a minor in crime, law, and deviance. Her research interests include how environmental factors, trauma, and genetics influence the development of psychological disorders that impact cognition. After graduation she plans on pursuing a Master’s and PsyD in either clinical or forensic psychology.
Yauna Taylor is a senior at the University of Central Florida, majoring in Psychology on the General Track. She has served as a teaching assistant for a psychology capstone course, helping students transition into a career after college. Her research interests include decision-making, cognitive psychology, and mental health. After graduation, she plans to pursue medical school, with a goal of specializing in dermatology.
Grace Smith is a freshman in the Burnett Honors College majoring in Molecular and Cellular biology with a minor in Genomics and Bioinformatics. Her research interests include cellular function, degenerative diseases, and genetic mutations. After graduating she plans to receive her MD/Ph. D in Genetics and go into clinical research.
Doctoral Students
- Xiaoqing Wan (graduated 2022, Human Factors & Cognitive Psychology PhD; Manager, AI & Data Science, )
- Kylie Fernandez-Lee (graduated 2021, Human Factors & Cognitive Psychology PhD; Engineering Psychologist, Naval Air Warfare Center Training Simulation Division)
Graduate Certificate Students
- Christina Griep (completed 2020, Cognitive Science Certificate Program; PhD Student, Developmental Cognitive Behavioral Neuroscience PhD Program, University of Houston)
- Ian Dalton (completed 2016, Cognitive Science Certificate Program;
Undergraduate Honors Thesis Advisees
- Grace Casanova (graduated 2024, Psychology; Aging Studies and Theater Minor; MBA Student, UCF Business School)
- Alyssa Hayes (graduated 2024, Psychology Major; Lab Manager, Social-Cognitive and Affective Development Lab, University of Florida)
- Trenton Lam (graduated 2023, Biomedical Sciences & Psychology Double Major; Medical Student, University of Chicago)
- Krupali Patel (graduated 2021, Psychology Major; Master of Education Student, Child Studies, Vanderbilt University)
- Melissa Merz (graduated 2017, Psychology Major; Associate Director, Educational Development, HMP Education)
Undergraduate Research Assistants
- Grace Casanova 01/23-01/25
- Zachary Beaujon 01/24-11/24
- Joseph Fadhli 01/24- 08/24
- Michael Burnham 03/24-10/24
- Sipho Langa 04/24-10/24
- Kait Tolley 05/24-09/24
- Sophia Capello 05/24-08/24
- Louis Achillea 11/23-07/24
- Sydney Gillis 10/23-04/24
- Justin Barolette 09/23-05/24
- Teodora Anica 06/23-08/23
- Christopher Zizzo 08/23-07/24
- Sarah Velez-Osorio 08/23-12/23
- Isabella Lima 04/23-07/24
- Parker Sawyer 02/23-07/24
- Grace Casanova 01/23-05/24
- Andrei Nesterenko 11/22-05/23
- Alyssa Hayes 08/22-05/24
- Aidan Ray 04/22-05/23
- Katina Chris 04/22-05/23
- Sadie Hughey 04/22-07/22
- Yogita Venkata 04/22-08/23
- Amber Blount 05/21-08/24
- Zounaira Shahzad 05/21-10/24
- Trenton Lam 01/21-05/23
- Adriana Seda 01/21-12/21
- Ishara Jean-Francois 01/20-05/21
- Yolirys Aponte-Lopez 01/20-05/21
- Dalia El-Shafie 01/20-12/20
- Alexander Avdellas 01/20-08/21
- Krupali Patel 06/19-08/21
- Ramis Mukhtar 06/19-11/19
- Breanna Thomas 06/19-04/20
- Salim Mouloua 02/19-06/19
- Samuel Naranjo Rincon 01/19-04/20
- Natalie Verdiguel 01/19-12/19
- Breanna Davey 06/18-07/19
- Michael Gordon 05/18-12/18
- Lara Suarez 01/18-08/19
- Kipras Varkala 01/18-08/19
- Deborah Amburgey 01/18-08/19
- Yerika Germosen 01/18-05/19
- Madelaine Guernsey 01/18-06/18
- Melissa Vargas 05/17-08/17
- Jessalyn Landeta 05/17-12/17
- Karina Garcia 06/16-04/17
- Isabella Tripoli 06/16-12/16
- Adrian Torres 06/16-12/16
- Erin Doucet 06/16-12/17
- Amber Goerner 06/16-12/17
- Richard Bowen 01/16-12/16
- Alison Bell 01/16-05/16
- Andressa Faria 01/16-05/16
- Alexa Abitabilo 01/16-12/16
- James Ross 08/15-12/16
- Melissa Merz /15-05/17
- Drew Doyle 08/15-12/15