Study to Try to Reduce Misinformation and Exploitation in Alzheimer’s Disease

Adult Development & Decision Lab
(Primary Investigator: Dr. Nichole Lighthall)

The Florida Consortium to Reduce Misinformation and Exploitation in Alzheimer’s Disease is seeking participants from ages 65-90 to join a paid study that will examine risk factors for deception and exploitation. The study will include seniors with memory impairments and those free of cognitive impairments. The results of this study will be used to identify predictors of fraud and inform interventions for reducing elder fraud.

This project is supported by the Florida Department of Health and conducted by Dr. Nichole Lighthall at the University of Central Florida (UCF). Participants will be asked to complete mental tasks and surveys at the UCF campus in Orlando, FL. Eligible participants will be offered the opportunity to join additional paid study components, including non-invasive brain imaging. Participants will receive compensation.

If you are interested in this study and would like to participate, please contact: Lighthall Lab at < >.


Deciding Brains

Adult Development & Decision Lab
(Primary Investigator: Dr. Nichole Lighthall)

This research aims to understand how people make trust-related decisions in healthy aging. The study will involve computer tasks and thinking games. Compensation will be provided. Participants aged 20 or older to complete a 4 to 5-hour study session at the UCF main campus.

Candidates must speak English fluently and have at least 8th grade education.

If you are interested in this study and would like to participate, please contact: Lighthall Lab at < >.


Memory and Driving Study

Transportation research lab
(Primary Investigator: Dr. mustapha mouloua)

Older adults are invited to participate in a study that merges healthcare and technology by using in-vehicle sensors to study memory and driving. We are an NIH (National Institute of Health) funded study doing research on minor cognitive changes in older drivers. We work with the engineering, nursing, and psychology teams at UCF.  Participants must be 65 or older, fluent in English or Spanish, lease or own and drive a car, and hold a valid driver’s license. The study sessions will take place at the UCF main campus.

If you are interested in this study and would like to participate, please contact: or call (407) 459-4488.


Sleep and Mood Study

Orlando Later-Life Developmental Research (OLDeR) Lab
(Primary Investigator: Dr. daniel paulson)

The UCF OLDeR Lab is conducting a study using wearable sleep technology looking to assess the links between day-to-day sleep and depressive mood.

If you are interested in this study and would like to participate, please contact: OLDeR Lab at < >.


Chronic Knee Pain Study

(Primary Investigator: Dr. MATT STOCK)

This study’s purpose is to characterize the differences in pain modulation and muscular responses between older adults with chronic knee pain, pain-free older adults, and younger adults. If you agree to participate in this study, you will be required to physically visit the CNS Laboratory for a total of three visits. The first visit will be a familiarization visit for you to know what will be expected for the testing visits. Visits two and three will be the testing visits, where you will be asked to participate in pain modulation and strength assessment protocols.

For all three visits, researchers will remind you that you need to avoid caffeine usage at least 4 hours prior, and alcohol as well as moderate-to-vigorous intensity exercise for at least 24 hours prior to participation in the study. Additionally, prior to the first visit, you must be well hydrated (do not use the restroom prior). Each visit will take approximately 90 minutes. We ask that you wear comfortable athletic clothing (shorts and a short-sleeve shirt) with tennis shoes for the duration of the study.  

If you are interested in this study and would like to participate, please email Emily at with the subject “Chronic Knee Pain Study.”