My Emotions is a resource for free quizzes and tests about emotions. Take tests on all aspects of emotions, from your general mood to how you deal with stress. Click on any link below to take a quiz.
We all get emotional sometimes, but some ways of regulating emotions are healthier than others. Are you regulating your emotions in a healthy way? Take our short, 5 minute quiz to find out how you regulate your emotions.
Did you know that personality traits such as emotional stability may impact what kind of job you prefer. Take our 20 minute quiz to learn whether your emotions and other traits influence what kind of jobs you like to apply to.
We’ve all heard of book smarts, but do you have emotional smarts? Can you tell when your friends and family are in a bad mood? Are you good at understanding your emotions? Take our short 5 minute test to learn how emotionally intelligent you are!
Do you often have to fake emotions on the job? If so, how do you handle. Figure out by taking this short, 5 minute quiz.
Do you feel constantly worn out, tired, or stretched too thin? You may be experiencing burnout. This short, 10 minute burnout quiz can help determine what is causing your burnout and how to cope with the constant feelings of exhaustion.
This quiz measures how happy you are with your job. Learn the answer to that question at the back of your mind… “Should I look for another job?” The quiz should take you about 10 minutes to complete.
Did you know that hiding emotions on the job may make employees feel drained? Trying to hide many types of emotions such as anxiety, sadness, and irritation can lead to stress. Take our quiz to learn if your job often requires you to hide your emotions.
What kind of love you do you feel most strongly? Do you tend to feel passionate, intense longing or lasting affection and mutual respect? Take this short, 10 minute quiz to learn what kind of lover you are.
What kind of mood do you feel? Are you the type of person who’s full of energy and enthusiasm? Or do you tend to feel sad and lethargic? Take our quick, 10 minute mood quiz to learn more.
Are you satisfied with your life? Do you like where your life is headed? Take our short, 5 minute quiz to learn if you are unhappy with your life and why.
Some people get emotional very easily. Do you often feel upset or angry? Or does nothing faze you? Find out how emotional you are by taking this quiz. It should take you about 15 minutes to complete.
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