Have these quizzes piqued your interest? Below are resources for learning more about emotional intelligence, understanding emotions, and improving emotions in day to day life.
Some people are better at identifying, understanding, and controlling emotions. This ability is called emotional intelligence. The EI consortium provides information about the latest research and literature on emotional intelligence.
Helpful Tips for increasing emotional intelligence from George Washington University.
Helpful resources for college aged students. Learn about how emotions affect your relationships.
Free information about identifying, interpreting, and expressing emotions in your everyday life.
Information on increasing happiness through gratitude, mindfulness, and compassion.
A list of websites and free web resources for teaching children how to identify and use emotions.
Free cognitive appraisal training, mediation lessons, and research aimed at improving emotional health.
Learn about managing stress, burnout, and increasing emotional intelligence.
Start a 12-step recovery program for issues related to emotions such as depression, grief, and anxiety.
A free web information guide that connects addicts and their families with the help they need to put their lives together.
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