Florida REACH

The FL-REACH program is designed to provide early intervention for dementia caregivers.  The program, delivered in partnership with the Neuroscience Institute at AdventHealth in Orlando, Florida.

The following documents are offered for caregivers receiving services through the FL-REACH program.

All materials are copyrighted to the program.

CG Notebook Template ENG

Section 1: Dementia & Caregiving
Sleep Disturbance in Dementia
Mood and memory loss
Early Stage AD
Depression vs Dementia
Depression and Older Adults
Dementia Fact Sheet
brain page

Section 2: Health & Safety
Health passport 1 page
Online Resources and med team

Section 3: Self Care Grief Coping
Easing grief
General Caregiving
Talking about Grief

Section 4: Behavior Management
Behavior Log, ABCs and Rx
Behavioral Prescription Template
Think FAST
Tips for Safe Driving
Understanding Clinging

Section 5: Advanced Care Planning
Advanced Care Planning
Financial_Planning material
Planning for the Future IS Self care

Behavioral Prescriptions
Prescription for Wandering
Prescription for Verbal Aggression
Prescription for Talking Loudly and Rapidly
Prescription for Sadness or Depression
Prescription for Repetitive Questions
Prescription for Losing or Misplacing Things
Prescription for Difficulty with Personal Hygiene
Prescription for Difficulty Getting Your Loved One to Eat
Prescription for Communication Difficulty
Prescription for Bathroom Accidents
Prescription for Anxiety or Worry