Spatial Sociology and GIS Now Available in UCF Sociology BA to PhD Program

New Spatial Sociology and GIS Area of Specialization in UCF Sociology. Shares welcome.

Years in the making, it’s finally here beginning with the launch of our new BA to PhD program in August 2023.

Apply now to join a dynamic department in the heart of Orlando, FL. We are one of the only US universities with a Spatial Sociology areas of specialization.

Apps due January 1. Apply now at: 

The Spatial Sociology & GIS area of specialization examines the intersections of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and related geospatial technologies and society. The area considers how such technologies: interact with social groups and society; create space and place; and can be applied to examine social and environmental disparities, public health issues, and crime patterns. The area emphasizes theoretical, critical, community-based, and applied foundations of spatial sociology, GIS, and related geospatial technologies.

Our research organization, Citizen Science GIS and GeoBus at UCF, is housed in UCF Sociology and the College of Sciences. We have been leaders in this interdisciplinary work for years. I hope you might consider joining us!

New Graduate Director Role Begins Today!

Today I begin a new leadership phase. I begin a 3 year term as Graduate Program Director in UCF Sociology. I am excited to work with our faculty, staff, colleagues and community partners to elevate our work together and to support the next generation in the social sciences as we explore what makes us Uniquely UCF Sociology. There is so much creativity and intellectual thought in our department, and I am excited to work with our colleagues to share this more broadly with all of you. In moving forward, I want to be open and transparent about leadership, what it means to me, and how I will approach decision-making. I thought I’d share the values-based vision and core values that will drive my leadership style as our graduate director. I pledge to bring this vision and these core values to all decisions. And I hope to learn from others and see other leader’s visions/values statements as well so we can discuss these ideas in the academic world. Here’s to a unique, virtual academic year, but one where we will all thrive, excel, and support one another.

Graduate Director’s Values-Based Vision to Become Uniquely UCF Sociology:

We elevate the lived experiences and knowledge bases of our graduate students, faculty/staff, alumni, and community partners through diverse and shared learning experiences.

Graduate Director’s Core Values to Become Uniquely UCF Sociology:

  1. We Are Intentionally Positive. As we explore the grand challenges of sociology, society, and related areas, we are intentionally positive and solutions-oriented in our thinking.
  2. We Are Centered on Students. We place the development and aspirations of our graduate students at the core of our decision making.
  3. We Are Diverse and Inclusive. We value all forms of knowledge, and are actively engaged in making our work and our program more diverse and inclusive.
  4. We Are Always Aspirational. We see our work as ambitious and forward-thinking, while aiming to push the boundaries of conventional disciplinary thinking.