Phone: 407-823-5530
Local: TC2 211C
- Ph.D. in Statistics, University of California at Davis, 1998
- M.S. in Statistics, University of California at Davis, 1994
- B.S. in Mathematics, China University of Geosciences, 1982
Research interest include: biostatistics, stratified analysis, analysis of missing data, tree-based regression, design of clinical trial, sample size calculation, meta-analysis, reliability.
- Xiaogang Su, Xin Yan, et al., (2013), Facilitating Score and Causal Inference Trees for Large Observational Studies. Journal of Machine Learning Research (11-220, 5), 1-45.
- Xiaogang Su, Xin Yan, and Chih-Ling Tsai, (2012), Linear Regression, WIREs Compute Stat 2012, 4:275–294. doi: 10.1002/wics.1198.
- Xin Yan and Xiaogang Su (2011), Simultaneous Inference on All Linear Combinations of Means with Heteroscedastic Errors. Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 2011, Article ID 484272, doi:10.1155/2011/484272.
- Yan, X. (2010), Stratified Wilson and Newcombe Confidence Intervals for Multiple Binomial Proportions, Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics Research, 2(3), 329-335.
- Yan, X. (2008), Book Review: Linear Models: An Integrated Approach. J. of American Statistical Association. Vol. 103, Number 482, June, 884-885.
- X. G. Su and Yan. X. (2008), Tree-Structured Subgroup Analysis with Censored Survival Data, The International Journal of Biostatistics, Vol. 4, Issue 1, 1-26.
- Rekab, K. Yan, X., Thomas, H. H. (2008), An efficient sampling scheme for estimating software reliability with associated cost, FJMS, Vol. 28, Issue 2, 353-366.
- Yan, X. and Anthony Homer (2007), Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel confidence interval with Laplace correction in the comparison of two high rates, JP Journal of Biostatistics, Vol. 1, No. 2, 205-115.
- Rekab, K., Yan, X. and Fauls, M. (2007), Asymptotic optimality of fully sequential design and stochastic stopping rule for Myopic design. International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, 2, 41-48.
- Rekab, K., Yan, X. (2007), Two-stage, best-fixed and accelerated designs for software reliability test. Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics, 20(2), 207-216.
- Yan, X., Wang, M. and Su, X. G. (2007). Test for consistency of non-inferiority from multiple non-inferiority trials. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 17, 1-14.
- Yan, X and Su, X. G. (2006). Sample size determination for clinical trials in patients with longitudinal nonlinear disease progression, Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 16, 1-15.
- Su, X. G., Cai, C. L. and Yan, X. (2006). Treed variance, Journal of Statistics Computing and Graphics, 15, No.2, 356-371.
- Myron J. Levin, Yan. X, et al. (2006). Dose-Ranging Safety and Immunogenicity study of live attenuated varicella-zoster virus vaccine (Oka/Merck) administered to adults 60 years of age or older. Southern Medical Journal. 98 (10), Supplement: S55.
- Yan, X. and Su, X. G. (2005). Test for qualitative interaction, Encyclopedia of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons.
- Yan, X. (2004). Test for qualitative treatment-by-center interaction in equivalence trials when the number of centers is large, Statistics in Medicine, 23, 711-722.
- Mueller, H. G. and Yan, X. (2001). On local moments, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 76, 90-109.