The Kerkenes Project Bibliography
Lehner, J. W.
2015. Cooperation, the Craft Economy, and Metal Technology during the Bronze and Iron Ages in Central Anatolia, Archaeology, Unpublished PhD Dissertation, UCLA.
2009b. Towards an Understanding of Iron Age Metals Economy in Central Anatolia: A View from Kerkenes Dağ Unpublished MA Thesis, Archaeology, UCLA.
2006. Relationships between Topography and Kerkenes (Turkey), A GIS analysis, Unpublished MSc Thesis, Middle East Technical University.
2004. The Application of Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Techniques in Archaeology, Unpublished MA Thesis, University of Mississippi.
2004. Iron Age Pedestrians at Kerkenes Dag: An Archaeological GIS-T Approach to Movement and Transportation, Department of Anthropology, State University of New York -- Buffalo.
2001. An Archaeometric Study of the Urban Dynamics at Kerkenes Dağ Based on the Integration of Geomagnetic Data and GIS, Unpublished MA Thesis, Middle East Technical University.
Journal Articles and Chapters
Baltalı Tırpan, S.
in press. The Rupture between Archaeological “Sites” and Local Communities. In Public Archaeology: Theoretical Considerations and Current Practices in Turkey. M.I. Gürsü, ed. London: British Institute at Ankara.
Branting, S. A., Y. Özarslan, J. W. Lehner, J. M. Marston, and S. R. Graff
in press. Kerkenes and Phrygia: Old and New Directions of Research. In Phrygian Lands over Time: From Prehistory to the Middle of the First Millennium AD. G.R. Tsetskhladze and M.B. Baştürk, eds. Leuven: Peeters.
Marston, J. M., and S. A. Branting
2016. Agricultural Adaptation to Highland Climate in Iron Age Anatolia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 9: 25-32.
Osborne, J. F., and G. Summers
2014. Visibility Graph Analysis and Monumentality in the Iron Age City at Kerkenes in Central Turkey. Journal of Field Archaeology 39(3):292-309.
2014. Some Phrygian Plant and Insect Remains from Kerkenes Dağ, Central Anatolia (Turkey). Ethnobiology Letters 5:44-51.
2013. Results of the 2011 Geophysical Survey at Kerkenes Dağ, Central Anatolia. Anatolia Antiqua 21.
Summers, G. D., and F. Summers
2013. The Kale at Kerkenes Dag: An Iron Age Capital in Central Anatolia. In Cities and Citadels in Turkey: From the Iron Age to the Seljuks. S. Redford and N. Ergin, eds. Pp. 137-159. Leuven: Peeters.
2012. Seven Solutions for Seven Problems with Least Cost Pathways. In Least Cost Analysis of Social Landscapes: Archaeological Case Studies. D.A. White and S.L. Surface-Evans, eds. Pp. 209-224. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press.
2010a. Agents in Motion. In Agency and Identity in the Ancient Near East: New Paths Forward. S.R. Steadman and J.C. Ross, eds. Pp. 47-59. London: Equinox.
2010c. Simulating Movement, Communication and Flows of Knowledge at Kerkenes Dağ. In The Knowledge Economy and Technological Capabilities. M. Wissa, ed. Pp. 87-102. Barcelona: Aula Orientalis.
Kealhofer, L., P. Grave, B. Marsh, S. R. Steadman, R. L. Gorny, and G. D. Summers
2010. Patterns of Iron Age Interaction in Central Anatolia: Three Sites in the Yozgat Region. Anatolian Studies 60:71-92.
Lehner, J. W., and S. Prikhodko
2010. Microstructure and Microanalysis of Metal Artifacts from Kerkenes Dağ, Central Turkey, ca. 600 B.C. Microscopy and Microanalysis 16:1244-1245.
Summers, G. D., and F. Summers
2010a. From Picks to Pixels: Eighty Years of Development in the Tools of Archaeological Exploration and Interpretation, 1927-2007, at Kerkenes Dağ in Central Turkey. In Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East May, 5th-10th 2008, “Sapienza” - Università di Roma Volume 2 Excavations, Surveys and Restorations: Reports on Recent Field Archaeology in the Near East. Pp. 669-683. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
2009a. Metal and Landscape at a Short-Lived Iron Age Urban Center in Anatolia. Backdirt: Annual Review of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA:92-97.
2009a. Between Urartu and Phrygia: The North-Central Anatolian Plateau in the Iron Age. In Studies in Honour of Altan Çilingiroğlu: A Life Dedicated to Urartu on the Shores of the Upper Sea. H. Sağlatimur, E. Abay, F. Dedeoğlu, M. Erdalkıran, M.B. Baştürk, and E. Konakçı, eds. Pp. 657-671. Istanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları.
2009b. The End of Chronology: New Directions in the Archaeology of the Central Anatolian Iron Age. In Tree-Rings, Kings, and Old World Archaeology and Environment: Papers Presented in Honor of Peter Ian Kuniholm. S.W. Manning and M.J. Bruce, eds. Pp. 239-252. Oxford and Oakville: Oxbow Books.
2008. Remote Sensing Methods at Kerkenes: Combining Geophysical and Other Methods. Journal of the Earth Sciences Application and Research Centre of Hacettepe University 29:87-100.
2008b. Periodisation and Terminology in the Central Anatolia Iron Age: Archaeology, History and Audiences. Ancient Near Eastern Studies 45:202-217.
Summers, G. D., and F. Summers
2008b. A Preliminary Interpretation of Remote Sensing and Selective Excavation at the Palatial Complex, Kerkenes. Anatolia Antiqua 16:53-76.
2007b. Technology and the Oriental Institute. The Oriental Institute News and Notes 193:3-8.
2007c. Using an Urban Street Network and a PGIS-T Approach to Analyze Ancient Movement. In Digital Discovery: Exploring New Frontiers in Human Heritage CAA 2006. J.T. Clark and E.M. Hagemeister, eds. Pp. 99-108. Budapest: Archaeolingua.
Branting, S. A., Y. Wu, R. Srikrishnan, and M. R. Altaweel
2007. SHULGI: A Geospatial Tool for Modeling Human Movement and Interaction. Proceedings of the Agent 2007 Conference on Complex Interaction and Social Emergence, Argonne, Illinois, 2007, pp. 475-487. Argonne National Laboratory.
2007b. Public Spaces and Large Halls at Kerkenes. In Anatolian Iron Ages 6: The Proceedings of the Sixth Anatolian Iron Ages Colloquium Held at Eskişehir, 16-20 August 2004. A. Çilingiroğlu and A. Sagona, eds. Pp. 241-259. Leuven: Peeters Press.
2006. Les inscriptions phrygiennes de Kerkenes Dağ (Anatolie centrale). Kadmos 45(1-2):93-135.
2006a. Architectural Terracottas in Greater Phrygia: Problems of Chronology and Distribution. In Hayat Erkanal’a Armağan: Kültürlerin Yansıması. Studies in Honor of Hayat Erkanal: Cultural Reflections. B. Avunç, ed. Pp. 684-688. Istanbul: Homer Kitabevi.
2006b. Aspects of Material Culture at the Iron Age Capital on the Kerkenes Dağ in Central Anatolia. Ancient Near Eastern Studies 43:164-202.
2006c. Phrygian Expansion to the East: Evidence of Cult from Kerkenes Dağ. Baghdader Mitteilungen 37:647-658.
Summers, G. D., and F. Summers
2006a. Aspects of Urban Design at the Iron Age City on the Kerkenes Dağ as Revealed by Geophysical Survey. Anatolia Antiqua 14:71-88.
2006c. Orta Anadolu'da Yozgat'ın güneyindeki Kerkenes Dağı kalıntıları bir görkemli Demir Çağı kentinin hikayesini aydınlatıyor. Arkeo Atlas 14:71-88.
2005b. Seeing Within the Soil: Exploring an Ancient City at Kerkenes Dağ. The Oriental Institute News and Notes 185:1-5.
2005. Research Design at Kerkenes: Perspectives at the start of the Third Millennium A.D. News Letter 4, 2005, Bilkent University, The Department of Archaeology and the History of Art:32-33.
Summers, G. D., and F. Summers
2004a. Demir Çağı Kenti'nin sırları. ODTÜLÜ Sayı 32:16-17.
Summers, G. D., F. Summers, and S. A. Branting
2004a. Megarons and Associated Structures at Kerkenes Dağ: an Interim Report. Anatolia Antiqua 12:7-41.
Stronach, D., and G. D. Summers
2003a. The Ashlar Building at Kerkenes Dağ: An Interim Report. Anatolian Antiqua 11:111-129.
2003b. The Ashlar Building at Kerkenes Dağ: An Interim Report. Anatolia Antiqua 11:111-129.
Summers, F., N. Atalan, N. Aydın, Ö. Başağaç, and G. Uçar
2003a. Documentation of Archeological Ruins and Standing Monuments Using Photo-Rectification and 3D Modeling. In Proceedings of the XIXth International Symposium CIPA 2003, New Perspectives to Save Cultural Heritage, Antalya, Turkey, 30 September – 04 October, 2003. M.O. Altan, ed. Pp. 660-668. Istanbul: CIPA.
Aydın, N., V. Toprak, and N. Baturayoğlu
2002. The Geophysical Survey of an Iron Age City in Central Anatolia: Kerkenes Dağ. In Proceedings of the XVIII. International Symposium CIPA 2001 Surveying and Documentation of Historic Buildings – Monuments – Sites Traditional and Modern Methods, Potsdam (Germany), September 18-21, 2001. J. Albertz, ed. Pp. 516-523. Stuttgart: Schweizerbart.
2002. The Survey and Documentation of the City Walls and Cappadocia Gate of the Iron Age Settlement on Kerkenes Dağ in Central Anatolia. In Proceedings of the XVIII. International Symposium CIPA 2001 Surveying and Documentation of Historic Buildings – Monuments – Sites Traditional and Modern Methods, Potsdam (Germany), September 18-21, 2001. J. Albertz, ed. Pp. 100-107. Stuttgart: Schweizerbart.
Baturayoğlu, N., G. D. Summers, F. Summers, and N. Aydın
2002. The Survey and Documentation of an Iron Age City in Central Anatolia: Kerkenes Dağ. In Proceedings of the XVIII. International Symposium CIPA 2001 Surveying and Documentation of Historic Buildings – Monuments – Sites Traditional and Modern Methods, Potsdam (Germany), September 18-21, 2001. J. Albertz, ed. Pp. 407-414. Stuttgart: Schweizerbart.
Branting, S. A., and G. D. Summers
2002. Modelling Terrain: the Global Positioning System (GPS) Survey at Kerkenes Dağ, Turkey. Antiquity 76:639-640.
2002. An Excavated Ivory from Kerkenes Dağ, Turkey: Transcultural Fluidities, Significations of Collective Identity and the Problem of Median Art. Ars Orientalis 32:17-54.
2001a. Keykavus Kale and Associated Remains on the Kerkenes Dağ in Cappadocia, Central Turkey. Anatolia Antiqua 9:39-60.
2001b. Simulation and Dynamics of an Ancient City. ArcNews 23(2):12-13.
2000a. Kerkenes Dağ. In Dictionary of the Ancient Near East. P. Bienkowski and A. Millard, eds. Pp. 166. London: British Museum.
2000b. Kerkenes Dağı. Orta Anadolu’da Yer Alan Demir Çağı Kentinin Araştırılmasına Teknolojik Yaklaşımlar, 1993-1999. In 1999 Yılı Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi Konferansları. Pp. 119-150.
2000c. The Median Empire Reconsidered: A View from Kerkenes Dağ. Anatolian Studies 50:55-74.
1999. Medes, Lydians, the 'Battle of the Eclipse' and the Historicity of Herodotus. http://www.kerkenes.metu.edu.tr/kerk1//12propub/wwwpaper/eclbygds/index.html.
1997. The Conservation of a Carved Ivory Plaque. Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi: 1996 Yıllığı 11:173-196.
1997. The Identification of the Iron Age City on Kerkenes Dag in Central Anatolia. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 56(2):81-94.
1996. The Alisar Regional Survey 1993-1994: A Preliminary Report. Anatolica 22:145-158.
Summers, G. D., F. Summers, N. Baturayoğlu, Ö. Harmanşah, and E. R. McIntosh
1996. The Kerkenes Dağ Survey, an Interim Report. Anatolian Studies 46:201-234.
Summers, G. D., F. Summers, and K. Ahmet
1995. The Regional Survey at Kerkenes Dağ: an Interim Report on the Seasons of 1993 and 1994. Anatolian Studies 45:43-68.
Summers, G. D., and F. Summers
1994. The Mountain Top City on Kerkenes Dağ (Yozgat) in Cappadocia. Arkeoloji ve Sanat 62-63:2-20.
Branting, S. A.
2015. Kerkenes Dağ Project. In The Oriental Institute Annual Reports 2014-2015. G.J. Stein, ed. Pp. 101-107. Chicago: Oriental Institute Press.
Branting, S. A., S. Baltalı Tırpan, J. W. Lehner, N. Yöney, S. Penacho, Y. Özarslan, and D. Langis-Barsetti
2015. Kerkenes Dağı 2014. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 37(2):1-12.
2014. Kerkenes Dağ Project. In The Oriental Institute Annual Reports 2014-2015. G.J. Stein, ed. Pp. 27-32. Chicago: Oriental Institute Press.
Summers, G. D., S. A. Branting, S. Baltalı Tırpan, N. Baturayoğlu Yöney, and J. W. Lehner
2012. Kerkenes 2010. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 33(4):535-558.
2011. Kerkenes Dağ Project. In The Oriental Institute Annual Reports 2010-2011. G.J. Stein, ed. Pp. 70-80. Chicago: Oriental Institute Press.
2011. The Kerkenes Project 2011. Heritage Turkey 1:27-28.
Summers, G. D., and F. Summers
2011. Kerkenes 2009. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 32(1):381-402.
2010b. Kerkenes Dağ Project. In The Oriental Institute Annual Reports 2009-2010. G.J. Stein, ed. Pp. 65-70. Chicago: Oriental Institute Press.
Summers, G. D., and F. Summers
2010b. Kerkenes 2007. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 31(3):37-50.
Summers, G. D., F. Summers, and S. A. Branting
2010a. Kerkenes 2008. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 31(3):51-64.
Summers, G. D., F. Summers, S. A. Branting, and J. W. Lehner
2010b. The Kerkenes Project 2010. Anatolian Archaeology 16:26-28.
2009. Kerkenes Dağ Project. In The Oriental Institute Annual Reports 2008-2009. G.J. Stein, ed. Pp. 88-95. Chicago: Oriental Institute Press.
Summers, G. D., and F. Summers
2009. The Kerkenes Project 2009. Anatolian Archaeology 15:29-30.
2008. Kerkenes Dağ Project. In The Oriental Institute Annual Reports 2007-2008. G.J. Stein, ed. Pp. 86-91. Chicago: Oriental Institute Press.
2008a. Kerkenes 2006. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 29(2):477-488.
Summers, G. D., and F. Summers
2008a. The Kerkenes Project 2008. Anatolian Archaeology 14:30-31.
2007a. Kerkenes Dağ Project. In The Oriental Institute Annual Reports. G.J. Stein, ed. Pp. 68-73. Chicago: Oriental Institute Press.
2007a. Kerkenes Projesi 2004 ve 2005. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 28(2):13-26.
Summers, G. D., and F. Summers
2007a. Kerkenes Dağ. In Friglerin Gizemli Uygarlığı. The Mysterious Civilization of the Phrygians. H. Sivas and T. Sivas, eds. Pp. 115-126. Istanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları.
2007b. The Kerkenes Project. Anatolian Archaeology 13:31-32.
2006. The Kerkenes Dağ Project. In 2005-2006 Annual Report of the Oriental Institute. Pp. 77-84. Chicago: Oriental Institute.
Summers, G. D., and F. Summers
2006b. The Kerkenes Project in 2006. Anatolian Archaeology 12:32-33.
2005a. Kerkenes Dağ Project. In The Oriental Institute Annual Reports 2004-2005. G.J. Stein, ed. Pp. 69-74. Chicago: Oriental Institute Press.
Summers, G. D., and F. Summers
2005a. Kerkenes 2005. Anatolian Archaeology 11:34-36.
Summers, G. D., and F. Summers
2005b. Kerkenes Dağı Projesi 2003. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 26(1):97-110.
Summers, G. D., and F. Summers
2004b. The Kerkenes Project. Anatolian Archaeology 10:18-20.
Summers, G. D., F. Summers, and D. Stronach
2004b. Kerkenes Dağı Projesi 2002. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 25(1):183-194.
Summers, G. D., and F. Summers
2003. The Kerkenes Project. Anatolian Archaeology 9:22-24.
Summers, G. D., F. Summers, and D. Stronach
2003b. Kerkenes Dağı Projesi 2001. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 24(1):449-460.
2002. The Kerkenes Project. Anatolian Archaeology 8:25-27.
Summers, G. D., F. Summers, D. Stronach, and M. Özcan
2002. Kerkenes Dağı Projesi 2000. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 23(1):439-448.
Summers, G. D., and F. Summers
2001. Kerkenes Dağ. American Journal of Archaeology 105:508-509.
Summers, G. D., F. Summers, M. Özcan, and D. Stronach
2001a. 1999 Yılı Kerkenes Dağı Projesi. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 22(1):211-228.
Summers, G. D., F. Summers, and D. Stronach
2001b. The Kerkenes Project 2001. Anatolian Archaeology 7:22-23.
Özcan, M., G. D. Summers, and F. Summers
2000. 1998 Yılı Kerkenes Dağı Projesi. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı 17:211-228.
Summers, G. D., F. Summers, M. Özcan, and D. Stronach
2000. The Kerkenes Project 2000. Anatolian Archaeology 6:22-24.
Summers, G. D., and F. Summers
1999. Kerkenes Dağı 1997. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı 16(2):121-151.
Summers, G. D., F. Summers, M. Özcan, and D. Stronach
1999. Kerkenes Dağ 1999. Anatolian Archaeology 5:19-22.
Summers, G. D., M. Özcan, S. A. Branting, E. R. Dusinberre, and F. Summers
1998. Kerkenes Dağı 1996. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 19(1):627-659.
Summers, G. D., and F. Summers
1998a. Kerkenes Dağ. Anatolian Archaeology 4:25-27.
1998b. The Kerkenes Dağ Project. In Ancient Anatolia: Fifty Years' Work by the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara. R. Matthews, ed. Pp. 177-194. London: British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara.
1997. Kerkenes Dağ. Anatolian Archaeology 3:23-25.
1996a. Kerkenes Dağ. Anatolian Archaeology 2:27-28.
1996b. Kerkenes Dağ 1994. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı 13(1):99-122.
1996c. Kerkenes Dağ 1995. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı 14(2):331-357.
1995. Kerkenes Dağ 1993. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı 12:567-582.
1994. Kerkenes Dağ 1993. Anatolian Studies 44:15.