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To become a member of UCF’s BGSA, you must:

1.  Be a registered UCF graduate student;
2.  Pay member dues: $20 for a semester or $30 for a year (Dues are used for buying gifts and snacks for BGSA members);
3.  Attend at least 2 BGSA meetings, events, or volunteer activities every year.

Dues are to be paid to the Treasurer, either in cash or using PayPal.
Paypal link:

Why be a member?

You can present your posters, talks, defenses, etc. at socials, and BGSA members will provide constructive criticism before formal presentations.  We participate in departmental functions, and you will get to know other students and faculty members in a friendly setting. We plan social events and service projects to give you a way to help make the planet better and/or have a beer with a few friends. Members can apply for the Boyd Lyon Memorial Travel Award to fund your travel to a conference to give a talk or poster.  Please join us at our next social!

Colloquium of Biology Graduate Students Brown Bag Events (CBGBs)

One of the perks of being a BGSA member is the opportunity to have a CBGB!  These events are an opportunity to practice presentations for conferences, your defense, proposals, etc.
In order to schedule a CBGB, you must contact Tiffany Dawson at with the following information:

  • The title of your talk
  • Purpose of the talk
  • Scheduled time (you must book room 415 with Juana previously!)