• First PhD student, Dawn Mills, was graduated from our NanoBioElectrochemistry lab. Congratulation Dr Dawn.
  • Welcome to Ali, our new PhD student.
  • Congratulations to Christopher for receiving the undergraduate research grant. He received $500 for his worthy proposal. Good job Christopher.
  • Travel awards for Stephanie for her poster presentation.
  • Congratulations to Stephanie for the good job for her poster presentations at … 2017 in Atlanta, Georgia.
  • Congratulations to Mohammad for accepting his abstract in as a orlan presentation.Good job Christopher.
  • Travel awards for Stephanie for her poster presentation. Good job Stephanie
  • Congratulations to Juan, Chris, and Christopher for being awarded OUR Research Grants.
  • Dr. Chumbimuni-Torres spoke at Michigan University.
  • Dr. Chumbimuni-Torres gave an oral presentation in the teaching conference in the Sunshine teaching and learning conference.
  • Congratulations to Dawn on his publication for Electroanalysis.
  • Congratulation to Stephanie on her publications.
  • Our lab just received a grant from Florida Department of Health!
  • Our lab just received the NSF grant!


  • Summer- Welcome to our new graduate student Mohammed, and two new undergraduate students Juan and Olivia.
  • Welcome to Lukasz and Andy to our Lab from Keele University (England).
  • Dr. Chumbimuni-Torres was invited to give an oral presentation of current research topics at Pittcon 2016.
  • Congratulations to Parth, Dawn, Jeff, Courtney, Stephanie and Andrew for the good job for their poster presentations at Pittcon 2016 in Atlanta, Georgia.
  • Travel awards for Parth and Dawn were obtained from College of Undergraduate Students.
  • Travel awards were obtained for Stephanie, Courtney, Winny and Stephanie from SGA.
  • Congratulations to Courtney for obtaining the Martha Hitt STEM Scholars Award.
  • Congratulations to Jeffer Pinzon for the poster award at SURE 2016 presentation at UCF.
  • Congratulations to Winny and Courtney for being awarded the OUR Research Grant for submission of a team proposal.
  • Dr. Chumbimuni-Torres was an international speaker at the Bioanalytical School at University of Campinas in Brazil.
  • Dr. Chumbimuni-Torres gave a seminar at Institute of Chemistry at University of Campinas.
  • Congratulations to Courtney for winning the SURF award.
  • Welcome to our 2 international researchers Lukasz, and Andy!
  • Congratulations to Stephanie and Andrew for obtaining funds for their proposal on paper-based sensors from OUR!
  • Congratulations to Courtney who was awarded the Burnetts Scholars Research Grant form Burnett Honors College!
  • Dr. Chumbimuni-Torres was awarded an Outstanding Teaching Award from American Chemical Society Orlando Section!
  • Welcome to Christ and Kellybett to NanoBioElectrochemistry Lab!
  • Our Lab just got funds from ASGA in a collaborative project team!


  • Congratulations to Parth on his publication in The Royal Society of Chemistry  Analyst
  • Welcome to our new graduate student Renan Gongora, and undergraduate Wynstona Louis.
  • Welcome to our new undergraduate researcher Kamry Samuel who won a RAMP scholarship.
  • Congratulations to Courtney for receiving  an OUR Research grant.
  • Congratulations to Ria and Radhika (our high school students) for the bronze medal at the Genius Olympiads in New York!
  • Jeffer won an OUR grant, as well as the SURF scholarship.
  • Stephanie was awarded the Martha Hitt Emerging STEM Scholars scholarship!
  • Congrats to Dawn for earning a scholarship from AAUW!
  • Stephanie earned 3rd place in Physical Sciences at the Showcase of Undergraduate Research Excellence forum!
  • Dr Chumbimuni-Torres gave an oral presentation at Pittcon 2015 on photo activatable sensors
  • Kathryne, Parth, Jimmy, Dawn, and Samantha presented posters at Pittcon in New Orleans
  • Dawn earned graduate travel award as well as SGA award to travel to Pittcon.
  • Jimmy and Samantha were awarded an OUR travel grant to present at Pittcon.
  • Parth earned graduate travel award to go to Pittcon.
  • Samantha, Jimmy, Andrew M, and Stephanie presented their research in the Florida Undergraduate Research Conference in Daytona Beach!
  • Welcome Professor Pilar Taboada Sotomayor from USP, Brazil
  • Samantha was accepted into the Ronald E McNair scholars program.
  • Congrats to Parth, Valentine, Dawn and Jimmy for their publication in Electrochemistry special issue!


  • Stephanie was accepted into the Ronald E McNair scholars program!
  • Stephanie and Samantha received CAMP-YES research scholarships from NSF!
  • Kathryne and Andrew earned grants from Office of Undergraduate Research!
  • Welcome high school students Radika and Ria to the lab!
  • Parth did an awesome job presenting at Mátrafüred in Hungary!
  • Samantha was awarded the  Martha Hitt Emerging STEM Scholars scholarship!
  • Samantha and Yessenia published a full paper in Analytical Chemistry!
  • Valentine, Parth, Shelley, and Percy published their work in Analytical Chemistry!
  • Samantha and Michelle presented at national ACS conference in Dallas
  • Parth, Shelley, and Samantha presented their research at Pittcon 2014 in Chicago!
  • Samantha received a travel grant from OUR to present at Pittcon!
  • Michelle, Samantha, and Shelley received travel grants from the Office of Undergraduate Research!
  • Kristeen and Gesca presented their research at the 225th ElectroChemical Society Meeting in Orlando!
  • Shelley, Samantha, Joe, Michelle, Ariela, and Parth presented their research at the Showcase of Undergraduate Research Excellence.
  • Michelle earned 1st place in Physical Sciences at the Showcase of Undergraduate Research Excellence forum!
  • Welcome Jing to the lab! She’s a visiting Master’s student from China.
  • Great job to Samantha and Enrique for earning two research grants from the Office of Undergraduate Research!
  • Welcome Professor Juan-Carlos Gomero from University of Engineering, Peru


  • Congrats to Michelle for getting the Martha Hitt Emerging STEM Scholars scholarship!
  • Congratulations to Shelley for obtaining a research grant fromthe SMART program!